Too much information. What is going on?!

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I do not own Ben 10.

Their surroundings were green. Really green. As in What-The-Quiznack-Green. That green thus.

“Uhhhh Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.” quoted Kevin with befuddlement. Rook looked at him in confusion, not getting the reference and wondering who Toto was and why they were supposed to be in Kansas. They had been in Bellwood just a moment ago. What was Kevin talking about?

Rook took a step further into the array of colors, curious and cautious as he checked out their surroundings. Seeing nothing dangerous and instincts not blaring at him that there was something unfriendly, he turned around and waved them further in. “I don’t sense any danger, do you?” He asked them. They both shook their heads.

Being as infused with mana as she was right now, she was able to see the things in her surrounding that the other two wouldn’t be able too. Where they could only see green space, she could see a whole array of colors around her.

“I don’t know. I really don’t know. The mana of everything is connected to each other right now except for us. My mana is keeping us from connecting to the network of energy.” She answered his question, eyes still wide open in wonder.

From a kind of pinkish violet to a color that seems to be a weird cross of orange and blue, strings, rays or however you wanted to describe it, seemed to connect everything. From the tiniest of organisms that you could only perceive due to their mana to the trees that stood tall and reliably.

“Whoa, what the heck is this?! Gwen, do you know what we’re looking at?” asked Kevin with trepidation, his nervousness palpable. It was hilarious and if Ben had been there, he never would have escaped from his teasing.

Gwen ignored them, entranced by their surroundings. It was surreal, in her eyes. It wasn’t too spectacular compared to some of the sights she had seen in the past, but it was definitely high up the list. Her pink glowing eyes were wide open, mouth gaping a little.

Gwen then looked at Kevin from out of the corner of her eye, mulling over whether or not she should tell him. Feeling his nervousness creep into the atmosphere looked away, not wanting him to see the smile that was creeping up on her face. She woulds spare her boyfriend. For now.

“I don’t know. This sphere is an anomaly to be honest. Everything is connected and feeding each others mana. This is quite honestly fascinating!” She answered as he walked further in.

The boys followed her cautiously, not trusting their relatively harmless surroundings.

It quickly became apparent that they weren’t going anywhere. Their surroundings appeared to be endless and it was as if they were walking through a void. A very green void.

Rook them caught a sudden movement out of the corner of his eye. He immediately sprang into action, gun held tightly and he looked around them in alarm.

“Who’s there?!” He called out with a growl, not showing any fear, only cold professionalism.

Kevin and Gwen also sprung into position, brought to alert by Rook’s question and rigidness. They were a team and if one of them saw something suspicious, they would fall into position.

A soft sound came from their left, too soft for them to make out what it was properly. Then pure silence followed. Real, true, silence. They suddenly realised they couldn’t hear it, the soft buzzing noise that had been just inside of their hearing range.

They couldn’t even hear their own heartbeat or any of the others’ heartbeats or breathing.

There was dead silence. Not a single sound.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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