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Nathan's P O V

I felt when my baby moved in my arms and I knew she will soon awake. "Babe" she said. Knew it. "Hey" I said. She looked at me smiling and I could completely feel the love consuming her. "Good morning" she said kissing me. "I've missed you" I said. "really and I was right here all night even though you were always holding onto me" she said. "I can't help it" I said defending myself. "Whatever" she said and I smiled. I love my baby. "Well why don't we go down and grab breakfast with the family. "Your mom is here and also mine" I said. "My mom is your mom and your mom is mine" she said. "And that's why I love you" I said hugging her. "Let's go shall we?" I asked. "yes" she said and I pulled her down the stairs with me. "What about freshing up?" She asked. "Just wash your face in the bathroom downstairs" I said. "this house is so damn big!" She said. "I know for our may children" I said. "Nathan if you think I'm going to have that much children I suggest you check the doctor because your not feeling well" she said and I laughed. "You'll see" I said gently rubbing my finger over my mark. "Pure sexiness" she said. "I know" I said darkly. "You always do that" she said and I laughed. We arrived downstairs to see everyone already seated around the table waiting for breakfast. "Why thank you for waiting" I said. "Really we honestly weren't waiting for you...we got a little share of desert" Mom said. "Mom" I whined. "I was really hungry and besides we are going shopping for your wedding" she said. "If your talking about outfit mom...we have our royal attire" I said. "I know but I'm talking about the decorations and cake and invites and chairs and everything" she said being mom.

"Dad stop her" I said. "I agree son" dad said. "Dad" I said not believing this at all. "If I don't then I will surely get it" he said. "Men are never afraid of women" I said and Rose gave me a death glare. "I love you Rose" I said and they all laughed. "Well it's really a pleasure to have my new family here with long are you guys staying?" Rose asked. "Well we are all leaving after your wedding" Mom said. "What no" Rose said. "We need to leave you because after the wedding you guys have homework to do" she said. "Yep" I said looking Rose up and down. "Nathan" she said elbowing me. "Ouch I'm in serious pain!" I yelled faking it. "Just keep faking it until you make it" she said and I rolled my eyes at her. We took our seats when she excused herself to get water. "Babe there are servants here" I said. "I don't want to worry them" She said. She's so thoughtful and caring. Exactly what I want in my mate she's got all the qualities.

Rose's P O V

I went to the kitchen catching a glass of water when I felt two arms snake around my waist and a head at the crook of my neck. "Nathan what do you want now?" I said laughing. "You" he said. "Why do you sound so different are you catching a cold?" I asked. "No just feeling heat for you" he said and I totally understood what he was saying because he had a lot of this going on below his waist. He placed his lips on my mark gently kissing it. "Why do you always tease me?" I asked. "I should be asking that question" he said. This isn't Nathan at all. I began feeling uncomfortable and I turned around fast to see Adrien. "Adrien!" I said shocked."I have always wanted you" he said. "No this is wrong" I said. "I love you!" He yelled coming to me. "No!" I yelled throwing the water in his face. "That won't stop my feelings for you!" He yelled. "Stop saying that!" I yelled. He tackled me on to the floor and came over me pinning me down. "Hel!" I welled as I was cut off when he placed his hand over my mouth. I began trashing around as I tried to get out of his grip. I kicked him in the balls and he released me. I got up running when he held onto my foot causing me to fall. I got up and grabbed the glass I was using and smashed it in his head. That's going to hurt. I ran to Nathan holding onto his shirt tightly. "Rose?" He said. "Adrien" Is all I managed to say. "I love you Rose! And your not going to marry me brother your true love is me!" He yelled as he ran out with a knife. Why does all fights that happen because of me involve a knife? "Adrien if you love your life then stop" I said as I felt Nathan shaking with rage.

"'s best you come home with us" James said. "James" I said. "We will meet you for shopping and at the wedding" James said sounding disappointed. "Dad he's got my bride!" Adrien yelled crying. What is it with these​ people? "Try to remember what happened to Cole and see if you wanna end up like that" I said. "I love you" he said as his dad pulled him through the door with his mom behind him. "I'm sorry" I said to Nathan. "It's not your fault for being so irresistible" he said. I love him even in tough situations he makes it seem like a good one. "I just don't know what to do with you" I said laughing. "Shall we" he said to Mom and she nodded. We ate and laughed as we enjoyed ourselves. The maids cleaned up while Nathan went into his room to sort out somethings, he should think about getting an home office. Mom and I went outside as we began talking. "So how did you two meet?" She asked smiling. "Well I was at Iris's house when we met" I said. "I should really find that girl" mom said. "Speaking of finding her I haven't heard from her since a long time" I said. "Well we can go and visit her tomorrow" she said. "We can all go" I said. "Yes" she said. "I'm glad you've found him" mom said. "I'm glad your here with me Emerald" I said. "You sound just like your father" she said smiling before it faded. "Soon you'll be with him again" I said. "He's in you and as long as your here I have him" she said and I hugged her. Nathan came and joined us. "Beautiful day isn't it?" He said. "surely is  a beautiful day" Mom said and I placed my head on his shoulder but I could feel he wasn't all alright. But I just let him relax and take in the cool evening breeze. He placed his hand on my cheek and mouthed a "thank you" but I didn't reply I just smiled gently.

Hey guys what do you think about this chapter?

There has been a twist.

Adrien Nathan's brother wants Rose.

Nathan is calm and humble person...I think he's the one.





Well peace out✓

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