The Return of Danger.

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Aunt Eddy was in the family room watching t.v.

Aunt Eddy: Judy. What's going on? Why all these kids coming in here so quickly? *to Mickey* Mickey. Come here.

*He walks to her*

Aunt Eddy: what's going on sweetie? what happened?

Mickey: someone broke into our house and now they're chasing us.

Aunt Eddy: they're chasing y'all? Okay go downstairs with them. Ain't nobody gon be chasin any of my babies!

*The kids rushes downstairs, sits down on the couches and starts to relax their minds.*

Johnny: i wonder if your Aunt is gonna call the police?

Curtis: i don't know. She said that she was gonna handle it.

Andre: when i think of it now, i should've got all of my stuff with me.

Velesa: i didn't think of that either.

Mickey: i may have lost all my boardgames

Henry: right, and my records.

Trinity: and my nail polish.

Mary: y'all. Our lives are more important than materials. We can always get it later if it's stolen.

George: right. But some people.......

B.J: *interrupting* wait a y'all hear that upstairs?

Bunny: hear what?

B.J.: listen.

*they all listen to what was going on upstairs.*

Aunt Judy: who are you and what do you want?.......*fidgeting*No! You're not getting in here!! Get out my of house!! AAAH!!

*They listen to what seems to be Aunt Judy and Aunt Eddy screaming as they fall to the floor*

Mary: *gasp* the burglar!!

B.J.: everybody in the storage room! Go!! Go now!

*they all rushed into the storage room and immediately closed the door*

George: oh my god! I think he just killed everybody upstairs.

Trinity: i hope not. I hope to god that he didn't.

Henry: Hey. Why would you even talk like that in the first place?

Johnny: because it sounded like the burglar saw us going to the house and he followed.

Mickey: Man we shouldn't be scared of this fool. *he picks up a nearby metallic baseball bat* Im gonna go out here and jump him with this and end this once and for all.

*Mickey starts walking towards the door*

Mary: *pulling Mickey back* Boy! Get yo behind back over here! You wanna be next?!

Curtis: for god sake Mickey! That guy will cut your head off!

Mickey: okay! okaaay!!! okay!

B.J.: man. I'm 17 years old. I should already be chasing off people so i'm gonna go out there. That's the oldest sibling's job now y'all stand back.

*they stood back as B.J. started walking towards the door. But just before B.J. could reach for the door handle, the door is blasted open by the unknown person. the children screams as they pinned themselves all the way into the back of the dark room.*

The kids: *screaming* AAAAAAAAAH!!

Curtis: *screaming* NOOOOO!

Johnny: *screaming* GET AWAY FROM US!!!!

*the unknown person had the flashlight that Andre dropped while running, his knife was covered in what seemed to be blood.*

Bunny: please don't kill sir. Please! We're only kids! Please!

Unknown person(U.P.): *creepy voice* aren't y'all supposed to be in bed?

Johnny: u...uh..we didn't really notice.

U.P.: *creepy voice* i guess that you're the only one still alive in his house!

*The children screams.*

Trinity: *sobbing* DON'T KILL US!!

U.P.: *creepy voice* why shouldn't i?

Andre: because we're just kids!

George: we have our whole lives ahead of us!

U.P.: *creepy voice* Yall got thirty seconds to....

Mary: Thirty seconds to what.

*the mask is taken off his face by himself. Turns out it was Uncle Ray that playing the burglar the whole time*

The kids:(all at the same time) aww.. Uncle Ray?, Daddy?

Trinity: Daddy you had us scared!!

Uncle Ray: *laughing* GOT..Y'ALL..BUTTS!!!

Mickey: Really? then what's that on the knife?

Uncle Ray: *holding up the knife.* oh this? This is just the batter of the red velvet cake.

Mickey: oh.

Uncle ray continues to laugh while the other unknown person comes downstairs.

Mary: hey. Quit playin'. Quit playin'!

The mask is taken off to discover Uncle Budd playing the second person.

Uncle Budd: You know you jacked up! *laughs*

Andre: really Uncle Budd?! Seriously?!

He continues to laugh while Mama, Papa, Aunt Judy, Aunt Eddy, Uncle Kenny, and Uncle R.C. come downstairs laughing.

Johnny: Callie. you was behind this too?

Mama: *smiling* yeah. We got y'all! *point at the kids* And i seen how y'all left my living room too!

Uncle Kenny: yep. Feathers everywhere, pillows everywhere, blankets everywhere

Uncle R.C.: yeah and paper everywhere with things on it. What was y'all doin' playin' charades?

Bunny: yeah. And it was fun.

B.J.: wait a minute. Is the window still broken at the house?

Mama: Nope.

B.J.: so How did it get fixed?

Mama: Easy. R.C. just put in a new window.

Uncle R.C.: yepper!

Johnny: it's been a long night. I'm ready to go home and go to sleep.

Trinity: me too.

Mama: wait now before y'all do that. *pointing at the kids* You all are gonna come back to my house and straighten up my living room. Top to bottom

Mickey: yes ma'am.

*then they would all start to depart the house*

Aunt Eddy: wait y'all don't want none of my red velvet cake?

Uncle Budd: after Ray just stuck his nasty knife inside that batter heck's naw!!

Aunt Eddy: I poured it on the knife.

Uncle Budd: oh.

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