Thinking about the princess

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|guy's POV|

I'm hurting, she's flirting with another guy. He's making her laugh and giggle and smile the cutest smile I have ever seen

She's so cute. I want her all to myself. I want to make her feel like the only girl in the would.

The most beautiful girl in the world.

The only girl that mattered to me.

She needed to hear my say it. I've heard from a friend that she's not too confident about her looks and doesn't think she's all that pretty! She also doesn't think she's cute!

I was so outraged! She was the most gorgeous girl ever created. She was the picture of beauty.

She makes my head spin. We have the exact same schedule in school and I sit near her in all of them. I can smell her lovely perfume. I get so high just thinking about her. But smelling her perfume, I can't breathe because her perfume is all I can smell.

And it smells HEAVENLY!!!

I get so giddy when I think about her I can't even think straight. I don't want to think straight. She's all that I ever what to think about.

I always catch myself staring at her. Sometimes she sees me and I look and feel like the biggest idiot in the universe.


I can't express the extensive anger I feel right now.

My best friend was flirting with her. One of my friends lives in her neighborhood and is childhood friends with her. A guy asked her to prom on her morning commute to school (she declined). My other best friend says she had eyes that look like pools of melted chocolate.

I can't even look at her without making it self look like an idiot! How are the getting is close to her?

I think she likes someone else more than she likes me. I can hear it in get voice, the way her voice gets higher than usual and the cute way she looks at him. She never looks at me like that. I'm such an idiot I only get a look of disgust from her. She judges me because I get so stupid around her.

I think she's flirting with him and he's returning the favor by flirting back.

It's so cute, the way he pokes her in the side and the adorable high pitched squeak she makes when he does so.

He's taking her away from me. She's mine and I refuse to let anyone take her from me.

I will get her before anyone else can take her from me.

I just have to.

I need to.


How are you guys liking is so far? Am I leaving you in a fit of suspense yet?

Thanks for reading,


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