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Disclaimer: All things Twilight belong to Stephenie Meyer.

This is my first attempt at fanfiction. No Beta.

 Rated MA for Language.

SONG: Plans - Birds of Tokyo

You know this don't feel right

Who knows what we feel?


On the car ride home from the airport after visiting with my mother Renee I sit in the front seat with my dad Charlie who's chief of police in Forks while Jake my best friend forever sits in the back of the cruiser.

"So Jake what’s been happening at home any news I should be filled in about?".

"" Jake gives my dad a quick glance before continuing "not much its just me and dad home now on the reservation, dads pretty much full time in his wheelchair now so I do as much as I help out"

"so how’s school going"

"ahh...I left" what?

"what Jake are you crazy, your only fifteen"

"I know but with dad...I want to help out as much as i can. I might do that school by correspondence shit" he grumbles that last part dropping his eyes to the floor.

Then it's my dad’s turn to comment "Jake you should really go back to school, maybe then those so called friends of yours might follow, it would help me out having you guys off the streets".

"Hey! they do what they want I don’t have any control over the guys chief. I know what people say around town but we are not a gang. Their my boys, you know?. We have each others back...we just look out for each other its not us you have to worry about its those fu... ah! Idiots the Cullen boys you should be worrying about"

"Jake" my dad say's "those boys are free to use the beach as long as they don’t break any laws Im powerless to stop them"

"Chief La Push is ours and if we don’t want them there, then they should respect our wishes"

"Wait, wait" it's my turn to interrupt "who are the Cullen boys?"

"They’re a bunch of  dickheads…..”.

"Jake" my dad’s voice warns.

"They think they own the place they come down on our turf in their flash cars playing their crap music and ride our waves and disrespect us and our land, they are the shithead gang".

"Wow….really Jake?" I wonder when all this talk of gangs started in Forks.

I look at my dad with a raised eyebrow...he blow's out a breath and continues to look straight ahead.

When we arrive at my dad’s small white two story house Jake and my dad take my stuff up to my room.

"There you go honey, I just have to go into town for a little while I shouldn’t be too long" my dad say's while putting my luggage down.

"Oh ok Dad sure thanks don’t worry about me I have Jake here to keep me company".

"Ok..Bells..well I better go and welcome back"

"Thanks,  its good to be back" I yell to my dad who's already descending down the stairs.

"So Bella” Jake start's while moving to sit on the edge of my bed. "I was wondering if you would like to come with me to a bonfire we have planned down on the shore line at La push tonight?"

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