Chapter 3

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So, where were we? Oh right. Ellen’s just died. Right so you know about me going on a rampage and killing a load of people. You know my reasoning. You know about my hatred of humans. You know about my world. So what’s next? Well the next two years were pretty uneventful. In fact no, it was all a blur. I don’t remember most of it and that’s probably due to the fact that I completely detached myself from my subconscious. Killing was easier that way. Life was easier that way. 

Eventually killing got boring. In fact it got boring a lot quicker than most would expect. So I found myself yearning for something different and began to wean myself off of killing. It was what Ellen would have wanted. I still have a hatred for you Humans though so don’t think that’s changed. But don’t worry. I don’t plan on killing you all personally. I’ll leave that to my “family”. I had been to several clubs over the space of three days and drunk enough to kill any  human twice but I was still bored and boredom, for a vampire, could be very dangerous. 

I was walking home one night, after deciding that there was nothing of interest in town for me tonight, when I just happened to hear some sort of commotion. Of course, this peaked my interest and I had to go find out what was happening, that night had been a very dull night after all. What I didn’t expect to find was a group of around five boys surrounding a girl. A deaf girl. She was signing quickly telling them that she didn’t understand and asking them to slow down as she couldn’t read their lips so quickly but the boys just laughed and moved closer. 

I knew fully well what they were going to do and was about to leave when I thought of something. Why didn’t she scream? Now I’m no expert on the hard of hearing but I know that even deaf people can talk which meant there was something more than that here. So instead of leaving I slunk into the shadows and watched. I was close enough to hear everything they said and to see what she signed but they couldn’t see me. I was getting good at this. If the circumstances were different I could be some sort of superhero. But that would involve saving the humans and that was something I just couldn’t do. 

The boys moved closer and the girl took a step back but she could go no further. Her back hit the wall. I heard the boys laugh and instantly recognised it. That was the laugh I’ve done many different times. The laugh that said “I’m going to enjoy killing you”. It was then that I decided to kill them. But, of course, I would have to kill the girl too. If I killed the boys the girl would know what I am, although the chances of her telling anyone is rather small. I’ve got to protect my identity until the right moment after all. 

She still didn’t scream. Not a sound. The boys were cruel but they were exactly that. Boys. Stupid, mean boys who didn’t think of the consequences. She signed quicker. Who are you? Do you need my help? What are you doing? Can you slow down, I can’t understand. It made no difference. I almost laughed at how very human the situation was. We don’t do this in our world. We don’t gang up on our pray. Sure we play with them but we don’t gang up on them. Never. The boys stepped forward. No scream. Then it hit me. 

The girl was a mute.

This changed the game a bit. Well for me anyway. The girl was still going to die. But I had heard that vampires born with defects, such as no sight or deafness, are often born with special powers. Mind control. Telekinesis. Teleportation. All sorts. But would that be the same if the girl was changed? I had never heard of a human being changed into a vampire. There were no written records and no stories were told. But in saying that I was exiled from my world.  So I don’t know a lot about what happens in that area of my people. 

I don’t even think any human has ever been turned by a vampire before. Is it even possible?

I made my decision and stepped out of the shadows, my hands in my pocket, my eyes looking down, my black hair sweeping across my eyes and a smug smirk on my face. I chuckled once and one of the boys turned around. He shouted abuse at me for a moment and his friends all turned to see what the intrusion was. When they saw it was me they laughed and threw more insults at me. 

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