-Eight- Reality.

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Dont stop, just fall in love

Baekhyun POV
Actually, there is something that im hiding from everyone... that is why im so quiet.. and i let Sana to do the story telling.. I may be all nice and caring, but they are all genuine, really.. but.

I have actually been talking to Wendy, we seem to go along well... I shall show you guys what we tlaked about first..

 I shall show you guys what we tlaked about first

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I couldnt reply afterwards.. But anyways, i really hope that if i want to be friends with her, i wont develop feekings for her and cheat on Sana even if we are not really together physically.. but on name.

Since Sana has done most of the telling, its my turn right? Haha..

So we hopped into the car and drove to the hotel.

...One of my most hated things. Reporters and Paparazzis, always trying to invade our personal lives. Sure this is a oress conference, why not you wait inside rather than bombing us with lights.


The hotel security were blocking us away from the reporters when we are trying to get into the darn hotel to meet our parents before going into the auditorium, SINCE. that there will be alot of reporters trying ti write their reports and get complimented by their bosses, but too bad.. WE have tk eat first before we satisfy their report...

(a little mean here beacause, they are tired and they hate reporters)

We went to the restaurant where me and Sana first met to have our Lunch before the tiring press conference, we ate till we were stuffed.. Sana was still nervous, she is still panicking but i tried to calm her down as much as i can but,, cant help it, she is really scared she will ruin everything and her parents company, and my parents company

Sana POV 

We were brought to dinner, but i could only eat a few scoops of rice and a bit of side dishes.. Surprising, i was 'full' already.. Im so nervous... im really scared that either of us will say the wrong thing, or make the reporters feel more curious about the decision made by our parents and us.. The agreement, the contract, and if we will really become a couple OR EVEN having a baby. Like how do we answer those questions?

I guess it is time to face the scary camera lenses, strict faces and people jotting down the story of our personal lives in their little notebooks.


As we enter the auditorium, all we see and hear are flashes and shuttering noises of the lights.. I guess this is the real deal..

"Before anyone starts asking questions, we will give the whole 'idea' / story of this thing. We, Jang cop wanted to merge with Byun to handle the whole of Seoul as a whole, and the only way to do that is to get our son and daughter to get  married. If we do it by contract, any one of us can easily manipulate and damage the contract, ending up in losses, so the only safe an best way is to get the heirs married, and have AT LEAST 1 year of marriage together, after the 1 year, the current presidents will start giving the heirs proper guidance of the company and how to properly manage the company when they become president. It is up to them whether to stay married or have a divorce, but the company will still be merged, but the advantages are not ass much as when they are fully merged. For the best, we do hope they remain married but it is their happiness and not ours." And my dad just explained the situation a detailed as he could 

(anyone who doesnt get it, please leave a comment. :) )

"Anything you guys want to add on? Heirs and presidents." My dad asked us..

I saw baek reaching out for the microphone, oh gosh.... here  he goes

"Yes to add on, as the one getting married, i would like to say that me and Sana have already made rules.." he looked at me for permission if he could reveal it and i nodded my head.

"1, since we are not that close as of now, we wont be sleeping together. Dont ask me why we made that rule.. ahem.. okay second rule is we wont have any external relationship since our names already has Mr and Mrs. Third rule, when there are reporters or anyone trying to know our own private life, we will not respond unless it is okay to. last rule would be that if we re going anywhere we must tell each other where when and why, so that we do not raise any suspicions on each other. We are telling you this so that if you see any actions related to this, we are not having affairs outside or anything.. anyone else?" We all shook our heads and so baek ended it and sat back down..

'aish this kid, he added 2 more rules on his own but they seem logical so lets just go with it.'

"i can hear you but thanks for agreeing with the 2 rules.. i hope none of us goes back on the rule.."

Oh god.. its time for the question and answer segment...

"For an orderly manner of this press.. the questions will be announced by each reporter row by row, each reporter is only limited to 5 questions for time consumption. Thank you" the host announced. yep we have a host haha

On average each rows only have about 4 or 5 reporters.. but there were like 10 rows used only in the enormous hall...


EXO BaekHyun | Fall In Love With Me [ArrangedMarriage] | BTS,EXO,GOT7 FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now