Beginning of the end

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They see the principal walk to the podium and turn on the tv to run announcements, and the art teacher walk to the backstage to make sure everyone else is okay. After about ten minutes, Ace comes back out walking fine.
"How are you doing that", asks John, since Ace easily could have broken his foot. "you should not be able to walk?!"
"I'm gonna be fine due to the new nano-shots they developed at X-1 Labs", says Ace. "They say I should be perfectly fine for the presentation, and I have another nano-shot and adrenaline shot just in case".
"That's good", retorts Tempest, "but we need to start working on who goes first, sinc..."
Before Tempest could finish talking, the quiet kid start yelling about the news, and people start checking their Smart Bands, and as they do, and a news program comes onto the TV, and everyone sees a female anchor sit at her desk, with a grim look on her face.
"This is a warning to the world. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill. Zombies have been reported being sighted around the world. We have reports coming in about tragedies and confirmed deaths reaching the millions. We advise you take shelter immediately and start evacuation to safer areas. This is not a drill. We repeat again, this is no..."
Before the news anchor could finish her sentence, a deformed zombified male about in his thirties comes in and starts biting her neck, and rips a huge gash into her throat, and blood soaked the wall and bits of the camera. At this point, there is complete silence in the gymnasium, but as the screen goes staticky, everyone starts to panic, and run for the doors. Tempest looks at her friends, and the only thing they can hear is her mutter, "this is the beginning of the end".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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