Part 2

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Months passed after that day and let's just say that you were good.

Oh, and did I mention that you were avoiding Taehyung as much as possible. Whenever you and him cross paths you immediately turn and walk to the other direction. Like right now.

You were holding some paperworks that some staff handed to you. You were checking what was the papers about while walking in the empty hallways of the company. But when you turned your gaze infront, you immediately turned around and went to the other direction which was at the stairs.

And you hate stairs.

You sighed and thought for a moment.

Stairs or Taehyung?

And you definitely have the answer to that question.


You immediately headed to the stairs and ran as fast as you can into the fifth floor where your brother and the other members was, except for Taehyung, waiting for you.

You sighed and went to PD-nim to submit the papers that your holding.

"Oh, thank you Y/N. Where did you get this?" He asked you while taking it from your grasp.

"(staff) unnie gave it to me at the lobby awhile ago." You answered and smiled.

"That girl, really. You're not supposed to be the one handing this to me. It's not your job."

You laughed and shove your hand in the air. "It's nothing PD-nim, really."

He smiled and ruffled your hair. "Fine but don't do it again. I don't want you doing anything except taking care of the boys and being their make-up artist, arasso?"

You nodded before smiling sweetly at PD-nim. "Yes sir."

He laughed and commanded you to get your stuff, make-up kits, at the dressing room for the day.

Today was gonna be a big and busy day for the boys and for you because they will be shooting their newest music video that will launch next month and you were really happy for them.


You turned to look at your brother who was nowhere near ready for the day. He was still in his jeans and plain white tee with his sleepy and groggy vibe. You sighed at the sight. You wanted to lessen the pressure that was on his shoulders but what can you do? Your just his make-up artist.

But the thought didn't stop you for trying. "Jungkook lighten up a bit." You said and held his wrist.

He sighed and looked at you who was smiling brightly at him. The sight made him smile a little. Seeing you happy by his side made his day. He loves you and his parents very much that's why no matter how hard or tiring his job is, he will always do the best he can for you and for your parents.

You smiled and kissed his cheek. "I'm very, very proud of you." You whispered while hugging him. You broke the hug and cup his cheeks while squeezing it. "And I know Mom and Dad feel the same."

"Gomawo noona. Saranghae." He whispered back and hugged you.

You hugged him too and patted his back before saying. "Nado."

You broke the hug amd smiled before pulling him outside the company where the others are.

"Wah~ there's so much make-ups." Chimed J-hope before smiling at you.

You shrugged. "Trust me, you will all need them for this music video."

You were about to go to the van that's asigned for the staffs but Jungkook stopped you.

How to Love a person like Kim Taehyung || kth ✔ [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now