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You're sitting on the couch, scrolling through your Twitter. You have been busy all day, shopping, cleaning, and still setting some things up from moving in, not to mention finally getting around to those things you were putting off. You get a notification and decide to see what it is. It's a picture of Ross and Maia at the Teen Beach Movie premier. Of course you wanted to go; but your mother took you on a little vacation that she's been planning for months, there was no way you could turn her down. You felt bad, but Ross completely understood. But you felt your heart break a little, Ross was kissing Maia's cheek while they were in line for the snack bar.


Aren't they the cutest couple ever? I say Ross and Maia look much better than Ross and Y/N. Don't you say @Y/T/N? (Your Twitter Name) #ATotalRaiaShipper

You locked your phone and just stared at the television in shock. Was it true? No, maybe Ross was fooled for someone else, they were in line after all. Or maybe it was photo shopped. You unlock your phone and look more closely at the photo. Nope, it's most definitely Ross. You sigh and lock your phone once more. You don't even hear Ross come through the door and announce that he's home.

"Y/N? Did you hear me?" Ross asked with a slight smile as he appeared behind you. You sat back and closed your eyes before laying your head back on the top of the couch so you'd be looking at the ceiling if your eyes were open.

"No, what?" You ask as he kisses your cheek.

"I asked if you wanted to do something tonight." He repeated as he walked around the couch and sat down by you before taking your hands and kissing them.

"I'm not really in the mood to go out." You answer, lift your head, and open your eyes.

"Y/N, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing." You say and stand up.

"Well, Austin and Ally is starting another season and Disney wants to film Teen Beach Movie Two."

"That's great." You smile and Ross sighs.

"What's the matter Y/N, seriously."

"Just something I saw earlier, no biggie." You cross your arms over you chest and look away.

"You know people make fake pictures and things."

"I don't think this one is fake." You reply.

"What'd you see then?"

"You and Maia."

"Seriously?" Ross laughed. "We're just friends. It's whatever."

"'Just friends?'" You as a bit angrily. "Do, 'just friends'"-you do air quotations-"kiss each other on the cheek?!" You're almost shouting now.

"What are you talking about? I never kissed her!" Ross started out calm, but seemed to get angrier with every word he spoke.

"Really?" You ask and march over to your phone. You unlock it and show him the picture. "You never kissed her?!"

"Oh my-" He said exasperated. "You're freaking out about that? It's to promote the freaking movie!"

"You don't see me kissing Ryland to promote your band!"

"That's different!"

"Is not!" You shout back, you weren't backing down, not this time.

"That's something so little to pick at." He mumbled and rolled his eyes.

"Really? That's something little?" You ask incredulously. "Then I must be mistaken because the last time I checked, kissing another girl when you have a girlfriend is a bad thing to do! Especially when it's with something like this! You're promoting everyone to believe there's room for Maia in your future!"

"You're just nit-picking! I don't do this to you!"

"Really?" You ask sarcastically.

"Yeah, I don't start a fight when you're not being very supportive and make me feel upset!"

"I'm not supportive?! Are you freaking kidding me?!" You shout. "And I suppose that Maia's more supportive then me right?!"

"At times, yeah!" Ross shouts and you just stare at him in disbelief. You sigh exasperated and frusterated before you walk up to your room. You rip a bag out of your closet, grab some pajamas and clothes and throw them into the bag before storming back downstairs.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ross asks with venom in his voice.

"Don't act like you care." You snap as you continue to the door.

"Y/N, where are you freaking going?!" He shouts.

"To Rydel's! Happy?!" You shout back as you slip on your sandals and grab your keys.

"Right! So you can run to my sister and complain about me and say how much of a bad person I am!" You open the door and stop, turning sharp on your heel.

"Actually," You start bitterly. "Rydel and I had already planned that I was going over there for some girl time." You say, even more bitter than before. "Screw you." You say as nasty as you possibly can, turn, walk out the door, and slam the door so loud you swear you woke up half the neighborhood. You open the door and get behind the wheel before throwing the bag into the passenger seat. You start up your car and drive off towards Rydel's house.

Should I make a part two? Or just leave it there? Thanks for reading. Toodles~

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