The secret ive been hiding

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Hello minna!!! Here's the next chappie of The Academy For Fairies!!! Hope y'all like it!!!


After lunch I went to History, 'Ugh, can it be anymore boring?' Until, a salmon haired boy walked in to the classroom. "Oh my god! I didn't know you took History?" He said to me. "Ya, apparently it's good for your mind. My dad told me that." He blushed. I also felt my face heat up. I looked away. "So-"

"OKAY CLASS TAKE YOUR SEATS!" The teacher yelled at us. 'Geez, what's his problem?' I thought as I kind of giggled. And so, the most un-exciting class of the school started.

(TIME SKIP: after school)


As I bid my friends goodbye, I noticed a presence behind me as I walked. I turned around to see Natsu following me. "Are you stalking me?" I asked boldly. "EH~? No! Why would I do that? I live 2 blocks away from you." He smirked at me. "Guess that means you'll be walking me home from now on!" I said as I blushed. As we walked, there was silence. Not quite an awkward silence, but a half awkward half not awkward silence. I got to my house, I said "Thanks for walking me home! Bye!" I quickly said. "Your welcome. But why can't I stay for a while?" He asked. "Umm.... I don't think that's a good idea." I whispered. "Why not?" He asked again. "Oh! Lucille, my dear... You're home. I'm glad you're safe." My dad joined the conversation. As he slurred every word he said. And he was drunk. REALLY drunk. "Natsu, I think you should go..." I said hiding my fear. I closed the door on his face. I turned to my dad, "Why are you late?" He asked me with a scary tone. "Uhh, Ummm. I had a school project to do after school..." He sighed "You know I HATE it when you're late." I was deathly afraid now. "Go sit in that chair over therere..." He slurred his last words. " We'll talk about iiiittttt..." By talk about it he meant, abuse me once more. I sat in the chair because I knew I had no choice. "Now, tell me the truth.... Why were you late?" I bit my lip hardly, so it started to bleed. "I told you the truth-" he cut me off by punching me in the stomach while shouting "LIAR!!!" I swear the whole block could hear my dad yell. But I didn't care. Let them hear, I would actually like for the police to hear so they can take him away. I was more worried about the bruise that will from on my stomach, then my dad yelling at me. I felt my hair being pulled more ways then one. I blinked back the tears so my dad wouldn't say I'm weak, a wimp, baka, a slut, et cetera. But I was unlucky as always. One tear managed to pull its way out of my eye. I hoped my dad didn't see the tear, but he did. "Is little Lucille in pain? Do you want more pain to go with that!?" He yelled. He threw a razor blade at me and said, "There, there it's ok princess. That should ease the pain for about a week." I didn't know what he meant by it. I thought about it. And then realised what he wanted me to do.

Cut myself






OMG!!!!! I added a plot twist to it! I hope you LOVE the extra long chappie I wrote you!!!!





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