chapter 3 - "carry on"

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It was the day I got out of the hospital, Levi always visited me as much as he can (which was everyday).

Once my feet made contact with the floor, instantly my feet gave up and I was about to fall until no other than Levi caught me before my face was going to hit the ground.

"Darn..." I felt embarrassed from almost falling and here I am against Levi's chest.

I couldn't help but form a blush from how he was holding me.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" He asked, I ignored my blush and my feelings at this moment.

I was starting to regain my balance, I moved away from Levi slowly and began taking a step.

"Well, it's a great improvement," I thought.

"Aw frickle frackle yes!" I congratulated myself out loud.

I laughed nervously, "S-sorry about that..." I looked at Levi, seeing him covering his mouth from laughing.

"L-lets just leave this place already!" I turned around and walked out of the hospital room quickly.

"Oi, slow down!" I hear his voice from behind. Either way, Levi still caught up with me.

We walked out together, he took out his car keys and we then entered in his car.

"Holy his car was so nice and smelt amazing!" I thought.

I looked out the window and start to notice that we were now driving off, the view of the hospital got smaller and smaller as we drove away.

All of a sudden a huge wave of sadness came over me.

I couldn't help but feel guilty and ashamed of what I did. I should've realized someone so close to me would be impacted if I left...

I felt a tear slowly fall down my cheek, the car suddenly stopped and I realized we were here.

"(Y/N)?" Levi asked with concern, he wiped the tear. "I can't stand it seeing you this way..."

Just when did I deserve to have Levi in my life? I felt even more lucky of the fact he cared for me this much, but why?

I took a deep breath and then looked at him with a smile, "Thank you so much Levi." From there without hesitation I gave him a hug.

I felt his arms wrap around me and we just held on to each other.

"I... I love you so much, (Y/N)."

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author's note :
so i've decided to continue with this story and see where it'll end up as. ty ty for those who enjoy this! <3
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