chapter 5 - "them"

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Huh, that's strange... haven't I been here before? I looked all around, my eyes widened and realized I was in Farlan's car.

At the passenger seat was Isabel, and here I am sitting at the back. I could hear my heart beating, I started to panic. There it was, a truck coming right at us.

"Look out!" I yelled, Farlan and Isabel looking at each other as they laughed. I kept shouting but no one could hear. The truck got closer and closer, until my body jolted up and I opened my eyes.

Tears streaming down my face as I was shaking from the nightmare, "(Y/N), hey... hey what's wrong?" I felt Levi embracing me, I couldn't speak I completely sat there on my bed sobbing.

Images of Farlan and Isabel's bodies on the road consumed my mind. "F-Farlan... Isabel..."

Levi tensed up, he finally realized what my nightmare was about. "That damned driver..."

I remembered it all too well, we tried to convince Levi to come join us in our little hangout but was way too busy with work.

Isabel after some drinks got really drunk, that's when we all decided it was best to go, Farlan supported Isabel throughout the walk to the car, "I'm flying!" The red head shouted as she flapped her arm.

Farlan and I chuckled, we then got on the car and he insisted he drive, I was getting pretty sleepy too. He started the engine and we met with the road, my eyes felt a bit heavy and I tried fighting it.

Isabel was saying all sorts of things and making the most goofiest faces it was hard to get some rest around her.

My eyes were a bit drowsy, but I could fully hear the laughter of Isabel and Farlan. I remembered looking at their smiles, he was putting his focus at her as he constantly kept telling her to stop acting like a bird.

I couldn't help but smile, I then noticed a truck coming. I squinted my eyes trying to fight off my drowsiness. Was it coming right at us..?"

Before I could even warn Farlan, I felt my body hit against the back of Isabel's seat and everything went black.

My eyes were beginning to open and I saw I was being carried on a stretcher. Blue and red lights flickered, and my vision was getting clear.

And I saw Farlan and Isabel...

The car was completely abolished, Isabel's body went through the windshield and Farlan was still in the car but was crushed against the truck.

"Farlan! I-Isabel!" I cried out, I never felt this pain ever in my life, I felt my whole world turning grey. I couldn't breathe, everything was gone. The people who were family to me were gone just like that...

Once Levi heard the news, there was pain in his eyes he didn't cry just looked to the ground. There was anger and sadness within him, we both never got to say goodbye... Especially since he didn't know that rejecting to hang with us would be his last words he had spoken to them.

From there, Levi and I held each other during their funeral. I wish I could go back in time and save them...

"You know (Y/N), I wish I didn't refuse the offer." He interrupted my flashback.

I looked at him seeing guilt and misery completely written all over his face, I grabbed his hand, "I'm sure they hate to see us this way..."

I felt his hand tightening his hold, "You're right..."

We then embraced, knowing the most important thing in this world is having each other and being strong for them.

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author's note :
i can't believe it's been two years since i updated holyyyyyy i apologize !! im still iffy with this book on if i should continue or not but thanks for reading!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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