Chapter 5: Avoiding Him

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'What do you think about the reason is?'

Jimin couldn't sleep last night, thinking about that. He yawns as he enters the kitchen. Jimin secretly loves seeing his father and aunt Younha talking and smiling sweetly towards each other.

"Oh Chimmy, you wake up early today" Jihyun seems surprised seeing his son up this early.

"Can't sleep well last night"

"Chimmy dear, would you do me a favor and go wakes Jungkook up? He could be late if he didn't wakes up now." Younha asks while sorting the food on the table.

'Ehh? Really now?' Jimin grunts silently while going back upstairs. Somehow he regrets making Jungkook sleeping in the next room beside his.

"Jungkook? I'm coming in...." Jimin slowly opens the door.

'Damn it's too dark in here. What is he? A vampire or what?'

"Hey Jeon Jungkook! It's late, wake up now." Jimin snatch Jungkook's blanket off his body making him grumbles in his sleeps.

"Wakes up sleepyhead~" Jimin climbs on the bed and reach out to grab the curtain. There's no way Jungkook would wake up with this darkness. Perhaps a little sunshine could wake him up.

Just as Jimin grabs the ends of the curtain he felt Jungkook tugging his hands back making him falls on top of Jungkook's chest. Jimin froze when he felt Jungkook's hand slide on his waist, keeping him still. Little that Jungkook know, Jimin couldn't even move him fingers even if he wanted to.

"... please... let me sleep just a bit more....." Jungkook mumbles, eyes still close tightly.

Jimin could feel his heartbeat going on a maximum pace. His face redden, flustered thinking that his body is securely wrapped in Jungkook's strong arm. He could hear Jungkook's heartbeat since his ears on top of his chest.

Jimin snapped into the reality. He pushes Jungkook away from him and bolted downstairs as fast as he can. He grabs his backpack and leave to school immediately. He really didn't think he could survive being around Jungkook any longer.

But what is this feelings when he gets closer to Jungkook? He couldn't understand why his heart skipped a beat whenever Jungkook gets closer to him.


"Jimin!" Jungkook runs towards Jimin as soon as he spots the boy walking with his friends.

Jimin released a deep sigh before turning towards Jungkook.

"Why didn't you wait for me?"Jungkook frowns a bit, trying to read Jimin's expression.

Jimin smiles towards Jungkook, a kind of smile that Jungkook really didn't like.

"Nothing. It's just that, it's kind of embarrassing for you to come to school with your brother right? Besides, it's your perfect chance to walk to school with girls now. You're so popular, those girls wouldn't want a man who needed to be babysit by his brother. Hehe. So from now on, let's just go to school separately." Jimin turns away, leaving Jungkook with frowns never leaving his handsome face.

Jungkook was about to say something but Jimin didn't let him. Jimin walks straight to his friends.

"Jin hyung, the blind date that you've mentioned before, I would like to join too."

"Ehhhhhh?? Jimin wants to go to a blind date?" Taehyung gasps, shocked with what he heard.

"Usually you're the one who refuse to things like this." Namjoon gives him a 'what the hell is wrong with you' kind of look.

"Hehe... Nothing. Just think that it's time for me to have a boyfriend." Jimin smiles and continue walking. Little that he knows, Jungkook heard that. All of that. And something inside him just broke into pieces.


"Jimin ah... I need---"

"Ah yes, I forgot that I need to help aunt Younha cook. Bye Jungkook"

Jungkook swears he couldn't take it anymore. This is the fourth time today Jimin avoiding him. Whenever he tried to have a conversation with Jimin he would act like he has something important to do and just run away from him. Jungkook swears he would get Jimin to talk tonight by hook or by crook!

"Chimmy, can you help me take that spices in the cupboard?" Younha said while trying to get the chicken out of the fridge.

Jimin nods his head and walk to the cupboard. He search for the spices and found them on the top of the cupboard. Curse his short height! And curse the person who place it there! Jimin sighs deeply and tip-toeing, trying to grab the bottles of spices.

'Just a little bit more'

Jimin flinch a bit when he feels a hand on his shoulder, a broad chest on his back and another arms, taking the bottles easily. Jimin didn't even dare to look behind him because he knows exactly who it is. Jimin gulps thinking what he should do in this situation. He could feel the hands on his shoulder slowly moving towards his waist. He could feel how close Jungkook is with his body right now.

"Jimin...." Jungkook half-whispered in Jimin's ears making Jimin's body shivers for some 'unknown' reason. He didn't waste any more time and runs upstairs towards his room. He hides inside his blankets, face as red as a tomatoes.

Even when his father came to get him down for dinner, he just shout 'not hungry' even though his stomach is growling, asking for food. Oh no! Jimin wouldn't even risk looking at Jungkook right now. God knows what he will do if he see Jungkook now.

'I can't fall for him. He's my brother! Park Jimin, control yourself!'


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