Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"I'm with you because I love you."

I stared at her, honestly, I didn't know what else to do. The fight had such a massive build-up and for her to yell that at me took me by surprise. All we have done for the past few days is argue over the Travis thing and now this, I'm just fucking confused. Pippa stepped closer to me, my mind was saying shoot her but at the same time a voice telling me to kiss her. Urgh, women. When her hand touched my arm I pulled away. That was my first mistake.

"If you really loved me, you would have told me about the drugs." My eyes started to water for this girl drove me to the edge, before she came along I was an emotionless killer now I'm crying because she could have died. Pippa apologised profusely explaining again and again why she did it and why she hid it from me. No matter what her excuse is I can't forget about this.

"Please Jackson, I'm Sorry." She grabbed my shirt but I refused to face her. Pippa took a step back when she realised I still wasn't calm.

"Go to bed Pippa." I heard her sigh before my office door opened and closed after her. I slumped back into my chair and rubbed my face in frustration. There was a knock at the door and I signalled for Liam to enter. He poked his head around the door and nodded to me.

"You wanna drink?" Liam asked opening the door a bit wider, I packed away my files once again and spun around in my chair.

"Depends what we're drinking." I laugh a little and so does Liam, he's now fully in the room. I Guess he knows it's safe for him to be around me.

"Vodka, jager bombs, Bailey's, Hunters behind the bar so basically we're drinking everything." I grab my gun off the desk and slot it into the waistband of my pants. I exit the office with Liam and make our way to the bar. Sometimes I think this house is too big.

We walk into the bar area and Johnny is already slumped over it, a cocktail glass in hand. I chuckle at him as he slightly lifts his head to see us.

"I see he's already drunk." The guys laughed and Hunter handed me a glass. I take a seat at the bar and place my gun on it.

"So you and Pippa? How'd that go?" Hunter asked cautiously, I rubbed my face with my hands and sighed deeply. Hunter filled my glass and I drank it in one go.

"She said she did it to feel normal." I couldn't help but scoff, though the boys didn't seem to agree with me. I looked at each of their faces and frowned.

"Wait! You believe her?" I stared at Hunter and then at Johnny. Neither of them brave enough to speak their minds. Smart. Though I can't say the same for Liam. He leant on the bar with his drink in hand.

"Well, her life hasn't exactly been normal. I mean she's grown up in a gang, been tortured to the point of death, lost her mother, god knows where her dad is, she's been betrayed by Blake, taken away from her home and Jay...well, She lost the only family she had." Hearing Liam say everything out loud it raised questions in my mind, do they all seriously think its the truth?

"Jackson, Pippa may be confusing, stunning, adorable, a bad ass and a rockstar in her own mind but one thing she isn't, she's not a liar when it comes to telling the truth. You never asked if she was on drugs so she never said." Johnny's drunken words sink into my brain and it's strange that he's actually making sense right now. I down the rest of my drink still thinking about her. This girl I've known for 7 weeks is in my head, clouding my judgement....for the better. Hunter pours me another drink, then another and another one.

Finally, Liam and I decided to play death darts. A game Johnny had invented years ago at a strip club, one person stands against a wall, with dart boards placed in between the gaps. One between the legs, one between both arms and leg, one above the head and one on either side of the head. The other person throws the darts at the dartboards, easy right? It would be except you have to play this game drunk or there would be no point. Liam steadied himself against the wall and I throw 4 darts all hitting the acquired targets, now my go. I stand against the wall, my vision becoming blurry and the ground tipping ever so slightly to the right. Liam raises his hand and makes a somewhat good attempt at throwing the dart, my eyes flickered for only a moment and locked on to Brandon. In that split second of Liam letting go of the dart, I sprinted towards Brandon and the dart securely planted itself into my shoulder. All eyes flash to me as I have Brandon pinned by the throat, his brothers enter the room as fast as possible and try to attempt to break him free.

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