chapter seven

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Levi couldn't get the image out of his head.
The boy he met in the cafe.
Beautiful blonde hair, stunning green eyes and his was beyond cute.
But Levi knew the kid had dyed his hair blonde.
He immediately wanted to know the kid had dyed his hair, he wanted to know so much more about him.
But the kid had left before he could ask something.
Levi took a sip of his tea.
He recognised the green eyes, maybe the kid has been there before?
Maybe he often comes to the cafe?
That would make things much easier..

Levi began to make names up for the kid, names that would fit him.
Dirk..? Tom...? No, more unique.
Nicholas?.....maybe I can just call him, emerald for now.
Levi nodded satisfied with the nickname he gave the boy.
He placed his cup on the table in front of him, stood up and walked to his backyard.
He grabbed a key from underneath a rock, not so secret but it will do for now, and opened a door which led to a basement.
He walked down the basement stairs and switched the light switch on.
The basement light flickered and then lit up.
Levi walked trough his basement and grabbed a few items: gloves, a baseball bat, handcuffs and a bag with game pieces in it.
He grabbed his green backpack and stuffed the items in it.
Lastly he opened a cabin and grabbed a handgun out of it.
He held the handgun in his hand, and his backpack in his other hand.

He stood in front of a mirror and his room.
For an unknown reason he was wearing a black suit that fit him perfectly.
Levi grabbed his backpack and smirked.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not going to get my emerald , it's just another, normal hunting night.

~to be continued~

Sorry if it was short!
And also, I don't know if this story Is making any sense but I hope thing will get more clear later on.
I hope you enjoyed!
Comments and votes will be appreciated❤

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