Movie Night

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Alec Ryder: who's turn is it to keep movie night this time?

Samuel Cahill: I had my turn last week so not me

Caleb Henderson: me neither Sam and I are count as one

Alec Ryder: so are Riley and I since we're neighbors so we're out too

Jordan Wallace: I think its Carter's turn I think

Reece Carter: mines was week before remember

Cole Stone: its Reed's chance

Asher Reed: nope had mines at the beginning of the month

Declan Lynch: someone just take the turn and stop saying its isn't their turn

West Love: why don't you do it since you're complaining Lynch

Declan Lynch: SHUT UP

West Love: only prices go up

Declan Lynch: real smooth West

Aiden Parker: I'll take the turn if no one is willing to

Cole Stone: wait a minute, I didn't had my chance so its me

Bennett Frazier: I'm schedule for next week  then when the month is finish, starting next month its the girl's turn to have movie night

Alec Ryder: but Riley is out right? Since her house is right next to mines

Bennett Frazier: nope

Aiden Parker: I'll have the movie night tonight, Stone you can have the movie night after Frazier

Cole Stone: what if I'm busy that week?

Tessa:  then I'll make sure that you aren't, what can you possible be busy doing?

Cole Stone: fighting my step brother as always 

Tessa: *sighs*

Aiden Parker: so movie at my place tonight, correct?

Alec Ryder: yes make sure you have lots of popcorn

Aiden Parker: Amelia would handle that

Amelia Collins: I would handle what now? No way its your movie night not mines so do your own work beside I'll be busy with the boys making sure they behave when I carry them home by me for the night

Aiden Collins: fine

Reece Carter: don't forget drinks and the chips if you're going to the store

Aiden Parker: why don't you make a list Carter why you at it

Bennett Frazier: I'll bring the drinks I have a lot here and my brother and parents wouldn't even realize some are gone 

Aiden Parker: thanks man how about throwing in some chips too ;)

Bennett Frazier: don't push your luck with me

Jordan Wallace: make it a horror movie

Tessa: hell no if its a horror I'm staying home

Naomi Lorraine: me too

Aiden Parker: action comedy

Samuel Cahill: I'm down for that and also get to cuddle up with Hazel ;)

Macy Anderson: I'll be with Caleb :)

Samuel Cahill: :(

Caleb Henderson: haha she likes me more

Macy Anderson: or both of you ;)

Jordan Wallace: I have no one its obvious that Naomi will cuddle up with Bennett

Naomi Lorraine: he's a cold guy he wouldn't want any hug so I'll cuddle with you Jordy ;)

Jordan Wallace: yay you're definitely my best friend

Declan Lynch: *scoffs* after all I did for you man this is how you repay me?

Jordan Wallace: i still love you man

Declan Lynch: whatever 


Another chapter.

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