My Tsuna - with Jakub Błaszczykowski

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Paris, France

"Cheese!" A man took photo from another group. And they were laughing high.

It was them, these men wearing Polish shirts. They were – Jakub Błaszczykowski, Robert Lewandowski, Przemysław Tytoń and Wojciech Szczęsny. Photo was taken by a man whom he is not player of Polish team – Teodor Sławiańki. Teodor is just a part of medical cruise of Polish team.
"Jest tak źle Krychowiak nie przyłączyć. Smutny." (Too bad Krychowiak did not join. Sad.)

"Jest w porządku. Krychowiak czatuje z kilkoma Hiszpanami." (It's fine. Krychowiak is chatting with some Spaniards.)

Lewandowski blamed Juanfran for this, but they could not deny that Coach Adam Nawałka was giving them total free time in Paris. So they made a step, each had to choose a place for a tour gaming. Under the Eiffel Tower, they managed to make step to go entire of Paris. But they could not decide where to go.

Jakub? Failed.

Robert? Nothing.

Przemysław? No.

Even Teodor did not know where to go. Disneyland? Neh.




Waiting for over 15 minutes, all 5 still couldn't choose a place. Getting tired, Jakub Błaszczykowski decided:

"Dobrze, skoro nie wiemy gdzie iść, musimy oddzielać przez godzinę. Następnie, jeśli możemy wybrać, zebrać z powrotem do Wieży Eiffla i rozmów." (Alright, since we don't know where to go, we should separate for an hour. Then if we can choose, gather back to the Eiffel and talk.)

All 4 agreed with Jakub, so they decided to go around Paris for an hour. With Jakub, he would enter to somewhere near Stade de France, seeking somewhere to play, as for his teammates were also trying to find a suitable place for all 5. Not really childish right?

A bit of Polish feelings for them too...

A bit of Polish feelings for them too

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"Let see... no."


"No, not this stupid place..."


"Kkk, is anything worse than today? C'mon!"

Seemed like Jakub was unlucky. He was dissatisfied with what he saw. In all of them, Jakub was the most dissatisfied. He did not know how his teammates work, but he just wanted to say for himself "I wanna slap on my face. Damn I'm so bad..."

Just like this, Jakub?






Suddenly, Jakub saw a girl standing here. She looked Asian. With Jakub, he had met many Asians in entire of his career until now, so he seemed not so special to her. But noticing her face, something told Jakub that he should encounter the girl.

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