Part One

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Gasping for breath in fear for your life is never a pleasant way to begin the day. And yet here we are anyways. I suppose I have the bloody Numpties to thank for that. Each and every night, I'm back in my vulnerable and kidnapped position- alone, desperate, and terrified.

I should tell Simon about my night terrors... I really, really should tell Simon. In a way, though, shouldn't he just know? Simon bloody Snow, who claims my heart is his, should know when I'm not okay. At least that's what I've wound up telling myself. I drag myself out of bed each morning, drenched in a cold sweat, wishing Snow would randomly appear at my apartment and kiss me all better. To my dismay, that has yet to happen.

In order to keep both Simon and I sane, I visit him at the flat he shares with Penelope Bunce at least once a week. I'll admit I've had... attacks. I'd be transported, like in my dreams, to the coffin where I was held captive for months on end and Simon would sit next to me on the sofa, laughing at some movie he has playing. Not that I'm complaining... (maybe I am, but I don't mean to) I mean, Snow's laugh is lovely... it'd just be nice for him to notice when I can't manage to find any air.

I should tell Simon. It just seems like there's never a time to discuss it, and I love seeing Snow happy.

That said, my dreams and daydreams are worsening. I can be doing anything and suddenly there's no air. No air, no light, no hope. How can Simon not notice?

I pull myself out of bed. Today's one of the days I go to see Snow and Bunce. Hopefully they'll have some coffee- I've gotten less than an hour of decent sleep.

* * *


I have made a grave mistake. I allowed Simon to drink Baz's coffee.

Now, it'll be bad enough that Baz will be crabby all day, but the monster I created is definitely worse. Simon is bouncing off the walls (not literally, of course. If he hadn't lost all of his magic in the big battle at the end of our last school year, he probably would be.) and speaking at warp speed. I'm just going to take a random guess and say that my best friend has probably never consumed any caffeine before.

"PENNY PENNY PENNY!" Simon shouts from about five feet away from me.

"Yes, Simon?" I roll my eyes and smile- his whole body is shaking up and down and his strawberry blonde curls on top of his head are bouncing with him.


"If he was wouldn't yo-"

"BAZZY WAZZY BORZ BAZ!" Simon laughs... he's drunk on coffee. He's never this sappy- well almost never this sappy.

I shrug Simon off and leave him to entertain himself (I do realize that I refer to Simon as if he is child, but isn't he?) since I have to tidy my room a bit. My boyfriend, Micah, is coming today from The United States for Christmas. Today is December 22nd, and I've been looking forward to this all year.

Maybe ten or fifteen minutes later, I hear the door to the apartment spring open and Simon delightedly begin conversation with Baz. I waltz into the main living space/kitchen to greet the boys and find a very grouchy Baz sitting on the couch and grumbling. I wave and turn my attention to the refrigerator.

"Snow, what've you done to yourself?"

"I had coffee this morning! Never done that before. At school, you know, they never had caffeine. Everyone just spelled themselves awake. I'm a Normal now so I can't use magic on myself. You knew that though, right? Yes of course you know! You were there! Why don't you ever spell yourself energized?" Simon is quaking with caffeine, he must really not have a tolerance for it in the slightest.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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