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"Is that all your bags?" My mom asked as I put my bag in the trunk which was most likely the things that I need everyday. A toothbrush, comb, hair brush, a comfy pillow because god knows their pillow is not even comfortable, it's extremely flat and no matter how many times to try to puff it up you still wake up with your neck hurting. And I brought a spare blanket because it be really chilly in the rooms.

"I'm only bringing one bag mom"

"Right Sorry"

"Can I go do something right quick?" I asked my mom "and that is?"

"I-I want to go apologize to Lucy" she stares at me for a second. "I don't think that's a good idea-"

"Please" she sighs "alright hurry up before your father comes out. I smiled at her then took off to Lucy's house.

I knocked on her and waited. After about 3 minutes of the door opens. "Hi Cori what are you doing up?" I asked "mommy was supposed to take us to school but she won't wake up"

"Oh ok" I step away "Can you go wake her up for me?"

"I don't think that's a good idea"


"Fine" I walked inside the house and up the stairs. I knocked on Lucy door. "Mrs. Jauregui are you up?" I asked poking my head in to see her laying on the bed.

I looked down at Cori. "She must be really tired" I chuckled "She was up crying on the couch all night...I asked what's wrong but she said she was watching a bunch of sad movies..I tried calling mama but she wouldn't answer" Jonah says walking up to me. I frowned.

She must haven't told them yet. "You guys go in the kitchen...Jonah go fix your sisters some cereal" he nods grabbing downstairs.

"Mrs. Jauregui?" I walked inside the room closing the door. "Look I know you're upset at me and at Lauren but you can't just lounge around..you have to kids to take care of" I say running my fingers through my hair.

"I can get them ready for you like old times" she doesn't answer. "Are you really that heavy of sleeper"

I walk over to the bed and tap the brunette shoulder. "Mrs. Jauregui What did you go to bed last night?" I asked. Still no answer.

I didn't want to bother her...she'll wake up later. I guess I'll apologize when I get back in 2 months.

I walked out the room. And went downstairs "y/n can you help me with this?"

"Ok when Lucy wakes up tell her that I came ok?"

"Ok" Elizabeth walks down stairs "are we not going to school?" I shrug before walking out.

I walked out and down the sidewalk.

I looked up to see Dua and Andrew. "Hey guys" Andrew pulls me into a hug. "We convinced your parents to let you ride with us" I smiled at them.

"Y/n did you talk to her?" My mom asked as the others as others got into the car.

"Uh no she's sleeping at the moment I think she probably hungover" she nods Lucy could've got drunk last night who knows.

I got into the car.

"Ok so why didn't you tell me about you and Mrs. Jauregui?" Andrew ask "no one wasn't supposed to know not even Dua"

"I walked in on them..well they walked in on me" she chuckles. I frown looking down at my lap "I'm sorry y/n" I shook my head "it's ok I guess"

The drive was 4 hours long. I wanted it to be longer. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to leave my hometown. I wanted to be with Lauren.

I'm not going to be able to see her in a long time. Especially since I'm not going to be able to go to court to find out if she's guilty or not. My parents wouldn't allow it. And the school probably wouldn't either.

"Look on the bright side you turn 18 on December 31st you'll be out by New Years" Andrew says. "Those teachers treat me like shit...I hate it there and don't let me get started on the students there they are the worst" I groan.

"You'll be fine" Dua say.

"Who knows you might just meet someone there" Andrew says looking back at me "not looking for an relationship" I shrug.

We finally arrived at the school. I stepped out the car and fixed my clothes. My parents walked to me handing me my bag. "You seriously want to leave me here?" I asked my mom frown "y/n what you did was wrong...I hate to see you walk into that school but you need to learn your lesson I'm sorry" I rolled my eyes. "Where's Brianna she claim she did all of this because she loves me but she's not even here to say goodbye"

"She has an exam to take" I rolled my eyes again. "She Just doesn't care"

"She does-"

"If she cared she wouldn't have told you guys...she knows how much I love Lauren and-"

"You don't love her" my dad says "I do love her"

"You don't...you can't love someone like her" I glared at him "you can't control who you fall in love with Dad. I fell in love with Lauren uncontrollably and You can't stop that"

He huffs as I gave him a tight smile. "It was nice seeing you but I have to go inside I love you both" I gave them a side hug. I grabbed my bag and walked over to my friends.

I pulled them into a hug "bye guys"

"Bye y/n we're going to miss you"

"I'll miss you too bye" I pulled away "send me a picture of your little uniform ok" Dua says I chuckled "you know we can't get on our phones" she groans.

I waved at them before walking up the stairs. "CALL ME WHEN YOU CAN"

I walked inside the school.

"It's nice to see you again Y/l/n" the Principal says. "Whatever"


Your mom p.o.v

It was around 10:30pm when we got back home. After we dropped Y/n off we decided to stop at a couple of places.

"You sure we did the right thing?" I asked my husband "of course we did y/n has to learn her lesson" I sighed "Yeah she was a pain in the ass but I didn't think we'd actually take her back to that school"

He places a hand on my thigh "we did the right thing ok" I placed my hand on top of her as we pulled into our driveway.

"I'm just surprised that all of this happened" I got out of the car and walked to our porch. My eyebrows furrows as I saw 3 kids sitting on the step.

I recognized them as the Jauregui's kids. "What are y'all doing here at this time at night where's your mom?" I asked

"Our mommy won't wake up"

To Be Continued.......

Sugar Mama (Lauren/ You) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now