eight | real life

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"what is it? is everything okay?" finn asked as jack turned to him, a look of panic spreading over his face.

"yes, it's just i have something to tell you," the smaller boy respond, starting to get more nervous and started playing with his hands, looking down at them.

"whatever it is you can tell me, i will be always be here for you," finn said noticing jack's nervous habits coming out and entwined their fingers to stop him from playing with his hands.

"it's just that i'm kind of nervous, i'm sorry," jack said, still not looking up from his hands that were now intertwined with finn's.

"don't be sorry, it's okay, if you're so nervous about this you don't have to tell me, it's fine," finn says and unlaced one of his hands, using it to gently move jack's face up to meet his gaze, "it's okay, i promise,"

jack couldn't keep it in anymore, he had to tell him one of the things, one was definitely much more of a big deal than the other, but he needed to tell him one thing now or he would end up blurting both of them out if he kept them in.

"well, um, i'm uh gay," he said softly, trying to make it as inaudible as possible.

"what did you say? i can't hear you," finn said, furrowing his brows, something that practically killed jack, and made him give in.

"i'm um, uh, gay," jack said louder, then turned away, trying to avoid eye contact with finn, a single tears rolling down his cheek

"it's okay, jack, it's okay," finn said, immediately engulfing jack into a big hug, squeezing him tightly, "it's all okay,"

jack felt relieved, but cried more, out of joy but also out of fear. the next part wouldn't be easy to say. jack pulled away from the hug and moved back from him, which caused finn to have a very confused look on his face.

"why'd you move away?" finn asked him in confusion, jack just looked away unable to face him, "what is it?"

"y-you're going to hate me," jack said, more tears rushing down his face.

"hey, i could never hate you," finn said to him in a gentle tone, "never," he repeated, moving closer to jack.

"well, i, um, have, uh feelings for you," he spat out saying the last part quickly. he immediately forced his eyes shut after he said it, unable to look at finn, who he thought wouldn't want to look at him, and his face turned bright red.

suddenly he felt finn's hands cupping his face. jack opened his eyes to see finn with a wide smile. finn took one of his hands and wiped away jack's tears.

"don't worry, i like you too," finn said and pressed their lips together gently.

jack couldn't believe what was happening, he thought he was in a dream but he he kissed finn back, then pulled away after a little bit.

"i told you that i wouldn't hate you," he says with a smile, taking one of jack's hands in his own.

jack started crying again, not because of finn but because he hadn't thought this through, what about ellie? he would have to break up with her, and what about his dad?

"hey, what's wrong? did i do something wrong?" finn said starting to panic.

"no, no it's not you, it's just a few months ago when i came out to my dad he either said i had to get a girlfriend or he'd kick me out, so that's when i started dating ellie, but now i don't know what to do because i'm going to have to break up with her," jack said collapsing on to finn, wrapping his arms around finn's neck.

"hey it's going to be okay," finn said, rubbing jack's back, trying to come up with a solution, "you can just lie to your dad and tell him that you have realized that you aren't gay anymore and just say ellie did something bad and you don't want to be with her anymore, and if worse comes to worse you can stay with me, i don't think my parents would mind that much,"

"thank you, thank you so much," jack said, a smile returning to his face. he then planted a small kiss on finn's cheek which made him light up with joy.

"you're welcome, baby boy," finn said, calling jack something he had wanted to for a while now.


a/n: wow i live for gay shit™︎

also i still have absolutely no clue who i'm putting cal with, so now it's going to be some weird love triangle shit. also who do you think i'm going to end up putting her with

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