ten | real life

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calista sat in the park anxiously waiting for everyone to show up. wyatt and jaeden were the first ones to show up, and calista was so excited she basically jumped of jaeden, giving him a big hug, then hugged wyatt.

"i can't believe i'm finally meeting all of you," she said with a wide smile, was so happy to finally see all of them and not just sophia, even though she lives hanging out with her.

"yeah us too, jae couldn't calm down in the car," wyatt said and jaeden lightly hit him, while calista just laughed.

next jeremy arrived and calista brought him into a big embrace. then chosen came and gave her a huge hug.

next to arrive was sophie who picked up calista, and calista wrapped her legs around sophia's waist and her arms around sophia's neck. they both had the hugest smiles on their faces.

"i wish we had a friendship like that," wyatt whispered to jaeden, who elbowed wyatt.

after that jack and finn showed up, they ran out of the car and sprinted to calista, they both practically tackled her and all three of them ended up on the ground, laughing.

"so what do y'all want to do?" calista said getting up from the ground and brushing herself off.

"well, i, well jack and i have something to tell you guys," finn said with a huge smile on his face, then interlaced, his fingers with jack's.

"holy shit, holy shit!" calista practically screamed.

"oh my god it's happening!" sophia yelled, and her and calista both started freaking out together.

"yeah, so finn and i are together now," jack said, a huge smile on his face. and that's when sophia and calista basically went ballistic.

"okay, you guys, calm down," finn said with a small laugh.

"so do you guys just want to stay here for a little and just hang out?" calista asked after she had calmed down.

"yeah that sounds good," chosen said and sat down on the soft park grass.


for the rest of the afternoon they had all just hung out and talked about things, getting to know each other better.

they had played tag for a little while but they all eventually got tired and just layed on the grass.

"hey who wants to go get food with me at the cafe," cal said pointing to the cafe across the street, "maybe only one of two people can come with me and we can take everyone else's orders," she suggested.

"i'll go," jaeden and sophia both said at the same time, and jack's eyes widened, getting the "oh shit" look on his face.

"okay that sounds good," she said and everyone else told them what they wanted.

"so what do you usually get here?" jaeden asked, trying to make small talk, as they started walking to the cafe.

"well, i like to switch it up, i never really get the same thing," she explained to him.

"so you usually go here a lot?" sophia piped in.

"yeah," calista said with a smile looking to her right at jaeden then to her left at sophia, oblivious to the fact that they both liked her.

meanwhile, jack was biting his nails in anxiety, wondering what would happen if they both told calista, they both had told him ahead of time that today would be the day to tell her and jack was a nervous wreck.

"hey jack, what's wrong?" jeremy asked him, moving closer to him to see if he was okay.

"yeah, i mean, i think, i mean, i'm fine," jack started to explain, but he couldn't tell them what's going on, "yes i'm fine," jack finally got out.

"okay, well that good," jeremy said with a smile, now content with the confirmation that jack was okay.

finn on the other hand, knew that jack wasn't okay, but he decided that he would ask him later and not in front of everybody, because he obviously didn't want them to know.

calista, sophia, and jaeden got to the cafe and sophia opened the door letting in jaeden first.

"hey, cal, later, can i talk to you alone?" sophia asked, and calista nodded, walking inside.

when they were inside sophia decided to take a closer look at what the board that had what they cafe sold, so jaeden and calista stood in line.

"hey, can i talk to you in private later?" jaeden asked calista, nervously.

"sure," calista said happily, unaware of what would happen in a few short hours.


a/n: this is sort of really rushed but oh whale🐳

get ready for a bunch of drama next chapter ;)

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