Chapter | 32

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This chapter may seem a bit rushed and to the point, and I apologize for that.
Please read the Author's section, and I promise once I have the time, I'll rewrite this chapter. :)

[ d a m i a n ]

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[ d a m i a n ]

The building was a mess. Debris, dust and screams everywhere.

My eyes wandered, searching for her. Checking every corner, it was almost impossible to find anything. The smoke made it impossible to see clearly. I wish I had brought the batman suit with me.

"You're in denial." A feminine voice boomed from behind me. A voice I knew too well. My mother.

"What have you done?"

My mother walks towards me, head high. "I told you once. She was a bomb."

"I don't understand. What do you mean?"

"The day we decided to create the serum, your Grandfather was actually against it. I went on anyways. I made sure that it would all work out perfectly. And it did, in a way."

"What I didn't expect, was her. The girl. I did not know that she'd be like a fighter. Going against all my rules, going against the contract I had with her mother."

"I wanted her to continue your grandfather's legacy. To be an Al-Ghul.. Not by name, but by heart. Instead.. She rebelled. Like you."

I stood silent. My mother continued speaking.

"If her body is under great pressure, it'll destroy itself." She walks towards me.

"You must be thinking, why choose a member of the Royal family, an heir to the throne, as a mere test subject. But there's one thing that she doesn't know." She continues, her hand snaking down to her waist, grabbing her weapon carefully.

I raised my brow, noticing my mother's obtuseness.

"Alina was about to die at birth. The serum we injected into her system saved her."
"Her lungs were undeveloped."

"Will the antidote cure her?" I asked, stopping her, placing a strong grip onto her shoulder.

"No. The antidote will kill her. It'll restore her body to the first condition it was in. She won't survive."

I grabbed her shoulder, twisting it, as she let a loud, painful groan. I dislocated her shoulder.
Taking my sword, I place it onto her neck, blade pressing against the skin.

"Where is she?" I whispered harshly.

"I told you. The serum had the characteristics of a bomb. When pressured with great pain, the body will destroy itself." She mutters, pressing a gun onto my waist.


"She's dead, Damian. She's dead."

"Stop lying, woman, and tell me where she is." I grit through my teeth, dropping the sword, as my mother falls onto the floor, groaning in pain.

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