𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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(Bill's POV)

 "(Y/N)! Come on! W-where are you?" I called out desperately, peering into pipes and tunnels as we crept deeper into the sewers. Eddie groaned, scratching at his cast. "It's hopeless Bill, It probably got her! We need to beat that asshat and get the hell out of here. Stop prioritizing your girlfriend when our lives are at stake." I felt my eye twitch, looking over my shoulder to get a good look at Eddie. 

 Stan sensed the atmosphere change and came between us. "Guys, seriously. There's a time and a place for this. The Derry sewer system is not it." I ran a hand through my hair and stood to my full height. "He's right, I-I'm sorry Eds." He groaned and kicked a stray pebble with his shoe. "It's fine, whatever. Can we just get out of here, please?"

 Just as we were about to cut through one of the main pipes a rumbling sounded from inside a small cylinder cut into the wall that was about the size of my head. I peered inside but pulled away right as blackened water began pouring from the mouth of the oversized straw. I watched it for a moment but turned as Richie nudged my shoulder. "C'mon." 

 I shrugged and went to follow when a repetitive clunk echoed from the small pipe. I shined my flashlight into it, ignoring the calls of my name from behind me. I walked closer as the noise got louder. I jumped back in surprise when a large object fell onto the concrete floor, rolling for a moment before stopping completely. I bent down and grabbed it, feeling the thick sludge roll off of the slick handle. 

"(Y/N)'s flashlight?" I muttered. The water had by now gone down enough that I could see a faint, blue light emitting in pools from the end. Two figures blocked the light in the middle of the tunnel. One was short and bulky like they were bundled up for a winter storm, the other was fairly taller, but was bent down to be face to face with the other. The smaller figure reached out and grabbed at the taller one's throat. A single choked, ear-splitting scream echoed through the sewers and I resisted putting my hands to my ears to block out the noise. Despite it being dark, I still knew who those figures were. 


(A/N: On a scale of one to ten, how much do you hate me for the short, prolonged chapters? I know I suck but I really enjoy writing these and I want to continue writing them for as long as humanly possible...I also couldn't decide how to conjoin the two chapters so I split them into two. Oh yeah, the next one might be coming out today as well cause I'm home sick and the plague has given me some sweet inspiration. Ps: You can thank @Lexinator04 for this chapter too, she's a great writer and always encourages me to write more.)

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