𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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"Welcome to the Losers Club, asshole!"

Richie lunged at the clown, swinging the bat above his head. Pennywise dove after him, It's foaming mouth and glowing yellow eyes made it more threatening, more dangerous. The bat smacked against the clown's left cheek with a dull thud. The force of the hit rendered It frozen. Mike snatched the pole from your hands and ran forward into the chaos to take his own swing at the monster. 

  Pennywise slowly turned toward Mike, mouth unhinging to an impossible length. Small, soot ridden hands clawed their way out of Its mouth, clinging to the pole as if it were a source of life. Mike staggered backward as one of the larger hands reached passed the weapon before him and attempted to latch onto his face. His eyes puddled with fear but he made no sudden movements. 

  You stood in shock. You had recognized those hands, from a dream maybe. The overwhelming scent of smoke filled your nostrils and it took you a moment before you understood what you had just witnessed. 

 It feeds from your fear. The monster had done nothing but scare you into a corner this entire summer. It made sense. Not enough to be able to explain it well but you understood it enough to predict what might happen next. Looking around you, at all the determined faces of your friends, you knew that they had come to the same conclusion. 

 Before you could warn the others, Stan left the sidelines to attack. Before he had the chance to land a hit, Pennywise turned to him with Its face contorted to resemble the creature that had latched onto his face just minutes before. A high pitched shriek left it's throat, a combination of surprise and anger. Stan screamed back, proceeding forward with a shard of metal that he must've scavenged from the ground. 

 Recovered from the previous attack, Mike whacked again at the clown's shoulder. But this time, It was prepared. Replacing its arms with long, slimy tendrils, it took hold of Mike's torso and slammed his spine into the concrete. Even from yards away, I still heard the crack as something in his body displaced, or worse, snapped in two. Mike groaned in anguish, hissing in pain as he tried his best to cower away from the oncoming attack. 

 You were too focused on the battle that you didn't notice Ben leave your side as well, snatching a lengthy rusted pole from off the pile and thrusting it into Pennywise's chest cavity before tearing it right back out. Black sludge manifested in the air around the wound, pouring out in a display of worm-like globs of slime. When It changed its appearance once more, Ben held it away from himself with both of his arms locked into an outright position. 

 This feels like a good time to mention that while the action is taking place, Eddy is flailing about somewhere off in the distance, utterly disgusted with the entire endeavor. "Kill it! Kill it! Jesus fucking Christ someone please kill it!" He screeched, though it was barely heard over the primal growls and other such sounds emitting from the fight that was currently going down. 

 Everyone took turns, using their chosen weapons to take whacks at the monster that was forever changing shape. You held a table leg in your hand, the pointed end raised above your head in a prepared attack.

 The clown crept toward Eddie on all fours. Its lips were swollen and limp, eyes slipping out of their sockets. It sat there for a moment before vomiting ivy green goop all down Eddie's front. Everyone stood in shock, both disgusted and confused by what had just happened. 

 Eddie stood and wiped the puke from his eyes before bending over and letting the contents of his own stomach spill onto the cement. A few seconds of heavy breathing later, he sat up and used the back of his palm to wipe his mouth. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" He shrieked, lunging at the clown who only giggled and cartwheeled backward. 

 It grew closer to where you stood with every flip. You clutched the broken table leg in your arms. The nerves in your legs tingled and you feared that they would give out from under you. Your bandages were long past soaked and have resorted to clumps of cream-colored mush on the ground beneath you. The blood stained your arms and legs a deep cherry red. 

 With a final turn, It landed before you with its head ducked down to a point where it's tangled orange hair was almost touching the floor. A high pitched chuckle resonated through the room, coaxing the Losers to silence. As It lifted its head to stare you down, you realized the laughter was different but all the same familiar, just like the face it had suddenly morphed to possess. 

 "Hello (Y/N)," 

 It was like looking in a funhouse mirror. Your head sat unnaturally in contrast to the broad shoulders of the monster that embodied it. You peered into your own (Y/E/C) eyes, wondering for a brief moment how this was supposed to scare you. But somehow, it did. Seeing yourself as the monster that terrorized not only your own psyche but that of your friends and family made you horrifically anxious. 

That was when you lost your fucking mind. 

(A/N: So much for 'I'm totally publishing this week' last week. Sorry about that. I felt really bad so I'm giving you this purely unedited chapter before I can work up enough stamina to rewrite and or edit this one. Hope you like the 'twist'. Don't forget; As soon as this story is over, I'm publishing a oneshots book for IT so you'll be able to send your requests my way. I don't write smut or anything like that but I'll make sure to include rules and stuff in the book. See you later! /Second AN: Who let me write this in middle school??)

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