23- Authors Note and Ship Short

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Authors Note:

For the last seven chapters, the comments, votes, and views have dropped tremendously. I mean, from thirty views on one part to five views each three. T-T. Am I doing something wrong? I would like to make this story pleasing to every one of the fangirls (And fanboys) Reading. So, more romance? ;)

Master had established a date for the new pirate themed dance, which at the current date, was set for tomorrow. Of course the old geezer let Mira do one of her little 'games' in it, enjoying the terrified faces of his fellow children as they stepped into line to get their partners. Mira had done a perfect job at explaining this sick game a while before. Lucy could recite it word for word.

"Each member will get a partner, so if Bisca got Alzack, they would get matching costumes and have to participate in the game of BattleShipppings. Where the two would be placed in two different rooms and would have to answer questions about the other person to proceed. Each question answered correctly would be one point. And whoever wins gets to boss around the losing team for a month." Lucy sighed. "Or at least that's how I remember her explaining it."

Levy shivered, glancing at Mira and getting an evil grin in return. Juvia stood in front of Mira, Mira looked through her handful and smiled. "Perfect Person!" "Juvia is going to get Gray~Sama since we are the perfect- Wha!?" Juvia screamed and looked at her card. "Juvia cannot get Natsu-San!" Mira giggled and gave her a different card, taking back the old one. Juvia gave a bright smile and walked off.

Next had been Lucy, she grabbed her card and ran away, blushing brightly. Levy stood in front of Mira, she took the card and her jaw dropped. "Mira- no, please!" She begged. "Sorry, no take backs love." Levy's eyes watered, Gajeel watched from a corner as his secret lover started to cry, "I don't want Jet!" She threw the paper on the ground and held her hand out. Mira looked at her and started crying. "I thought he would be the perfect match!" She whined, bawling her eyes out.

"F-For once, you're wrong." Mira stood back up and looked at the over-confident young woman. "Why is that?" Mira asked, pulling a specific card from her stack and grabbing Levy's. "Because Gajeel is my boyfriend!" Mira giggled, handing her Gajeel's card. Levy stomped off, leaving a crying Jet behind her.

She pulled open the guilds janitor closet, where she usually hid and screamed. Inside was the infamous Salamander and his mate making out in the guild hall. "Levy~Chan!" Lucy yelled. trying to run out of the closet, Natsu smirked and pulled her back in, shutting the door with her. She stood back up and stared at the door in amazement.

Without a second thought, she ran down a long, black, guild hallway. Coming towards the end, she sighed and looked around. Nothing besides- Juvia halfway up a wall with Gray vacuuming her face! Levy screamed once more and ran into the main guild hall. She sat in the bench and laid her head down. What's up with all these people kissing? A the card she got from Mira gleamed pink. Then she smelt it, "Mira!" Levy yelled, getting the attention of the devil.

"Why'd you put a lust potion on the cards!?"


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