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Disclaimer: I o not own KHR! or the cover photo, I don't know who's it is and if yall know tell me so I can credit them, Thank you!

Tsuna raises Lambo, Tsu-papa!
Date: 5/16/19(Written)

Lambo can be stubborn, childish, and loud but one thing he isn't is fatherless. Not when Tsuna raised him. Now he may be from the Bovino Famiglia and has a family but Lambo was never really taken care of. When his 'boss' sent him on a mission to kill Reborn, Lambo questioned the man. Does the Don not like him, he thought to himself at the time?

Not wanting to be with the Bovino anymore he gladly grabbed a small backpack and made sure to have his 10-year later bazooka with him before the Don sent him to Japan to die. Don Bovino had his men drop Lambo in Namimori and left, leaving the small 5-year-old on his own. Lambo walked around and eventually asked around for Reborn.

"Reborn-chan? Are you his friend?" Asked a girl with short orangish hair. "N-Yes!" He replied, "Okay I'll take you to him!" The girl leads him to the Sawada residence where he climbed a tree to get to the second floor to see Reborn with another person. Lambo threw some grenades at Reborn who easily threw it back at him! The grenade exploded and he fell off the tree.

Knocking on the door he was greeted by a lady who let him in. Rushing up the stairs he declared at Reborn that he will kill him so he can go home a hero.

Tsuna pitied the child. What crazy person would tell a child a lie like that? He watched as Reborn easily took him down. When Lambo began to cry, Tsuna quickly got up and picked up the small 5-year-old.
"Its okay Lambo you'll be fine. I'll take care of you, okay? As long as Tsuna-nii is here you will be okay" Lambo stopped crying and looked up at Tsuna with wide eyes. He couldn't believe what he has just heard. "Really?" Tsuna nodded his head "Of course" Lambo smiled at him, maybe just maybe he found someone who cares.


Tsuna took extra care of Lambo, he made sure that Lambo got in school, that he had clothes( even if more than half of them were the more cow print onesie), that he always had a stash of grape candy, and most importantly; that Lambo knew he was loved. Over the next couple of months, Lambo clung onto Tsuna so much that Reborn has to physically get the boy off of his student. Lambo began to idolize Tsuna, not to the point that Hayato is, that calling him Tsuna-nii wasn't enough.


Tsu-Papa is the best! He takes care of Lambo, and Loves Lambo very much! He is different from everyone in Bovino famiglia, he is nice. He doesn't push me around like Don and he plays with me, not like the lady with the black dress and apron. He doesn't throw bombs at me or locks me in my room. He is different. He Protects Lambo from everything even Reborn! Tsu-Papa I love you so much, Thank you for loving Lambo. Lambo promises to protect Papa too because papa is the best!


Lambo changed a lot in that past months. He always stays near me or right next to me, sometimes he slips into my bed to sleep when he thinks I'm sleeping. A simple hug makes his eyes shine so much that it breaks my heart. I wanted to know where Lambo comes from and why he desperately craves for this attention, though I do have some suspicions. I don't know much about the mafia but I know that Lambo is involved deeply.

"Hey Reborn?" I ask my spartan tutor. "What is it Dame-Tsuna?" "Lambo, he's from a famiglia right?" Reborn stops polishing his gun and looks at me from my desk, " Yes" I look over at Lambo who is sleeping on my bed. "Who are they? What do they do?" I can see from the corner of my eye that Reborn is frowning.

"They are the Bovino Famiglia. They are a small famiglia who are not strong but love to invent useless things. They made a Bazooka that lets the person who has been shot at, temporarily travel 10 years into the future and their 10 years later self travels back. In other words, they switch. They can only last 5 minutes before they switch again. From what I have gathered they have given this weapon to Lambo. Odd considering Lambo's upbringing"

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