Chapter 3: The Idiots

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Lambo-  9 

Tsuna- 18


As much as he denied his heritage four years ago, today is the day he will take over the Vongola Famiglia. He stands in front of the giant mirror in the room he is currently occupying with his guardians as they wait for the ceremony to start. His suit is a white version of Primo's, much to Tsuna's embarrassment, with an orange button-up shirt and a cape with gold ornaments making him look very much like the Mafia King he is going to be in the next hour.

He turns around and glances at his seven guardians who wear black suits with their respective flame color dress shirt. They went through a lot and he is grateful to have met them. His loyal right hand, Hayato who at first had a weird obsession with trying to impress him and make him happy. He has matured and oh how Tsuna wishes he still had that weird complex on him because now Hayato is a very responsible right hand who doesn't fall for Tsuna's many ways of trying to get out of doing the paperwork Nono dumps on him.

Next to Hayato is Takeshi, his left-hand man as he puts it. Still the happy person but with a sharpness to his eye that wasn't there when Tsuna first talked to him back in middle school. He went from a suicidal middle schooler to a capable left hand who no longer thinks the Mafia was just a game they played, thank kami.

Ryeohei hasn't changed much he is still loud but now he shines like the sun he is and became the group medic. Ready to treat their wounds but also quick to fight them for training purposes. Kyoya has only gotten even more strong, a one-man army who can take down an entire famiglia if they even looked at Tsuna wrong, though he doesn't want to admit it. Many have said that he would betray them but what they don't know is that Kyoya is very loyal.

Mukuro and Chrome have also gotten stronger and even though Chrome is not as strong as Mukuro with illusions she still holds her own. She no longer relies on Mukuro to make her organs because she is fully capable to create solid organs for herself. She can take out a group of Mafiosi without a scratch and when she's truly angry well all Tsuna can say is 'is everyone sure she's not Mukuro's biological sister!?'. Mukuro has only gotten craftier and stronger. Just like Kyoya, Mukuro is very loyal to him and would slaughter anyone for him. Though that doesn't mean he doesn't like to mess with the other guardians and watch them fight.

Lastly his youngest and the one he is the most attached to, Lambo. His Lambo. It saddens him how much of a capable mafioso his Lambo is becoming. The nine-year-old beams at him as he catches his eyes and runs up to him a grin never leaving his adorable face. "Ne, Papa Lambo-sama looks good right!?" Lambo has started calling him papa since last year and even though he is too young to have a child Tsuna was over the moon when Lambo came into his room one night crying because of a nightmare and said 'Papa don't go, don't leave Lambo alone' Tsuna rememberers cradling the child and assured that no one would take him away. Over his dead body will someone take his Lambo.

"Of course you look great Lambo! Wow, you are the most handsome nine-year-old ever" Tsuna praises. Tsuna will forever hate himself for dragging the child into this mess but Reborns words always ring in his head whenever he thinks about Lambo being in danger because of him. 'The cow was born into the mafia, he will always be apart of it. You are the best person he can be with if you want to give him a somewhat normal childhood' after that Reborn smacked him with his Leon hammer for making him say disgusting things like that. "Okay, guys lets go" Tsuna calls and he begins to leave the room, his guardians flanking him.


A week after the inheritance ceremony a letter came to Tsuna. "Tsuna you got a letter" Tsuna looks up from his current paperwork confused. Hayato doesn't ever announce to him that he has received a letter unless they are from his closest allies, he usually puts it in with his paperwork. What made this letter different it didn't look like the letters Yuni, Dino, Enma, or Byakuran sends him, those letters have a special type of envelope that has a sky flame or earth flame in Enma's case, attached to the envelope and we're usually sent by the bosses guardians or close subordinates. Though lately, they have been video calling each other or just plain talking over the phone, all activated through their flames because they are still mafia and you'll never know who's hacking into their systems, flames like always are the safest bet.

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