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Lambo- 6

Tsuna is studying up on the mafia, as per Reborn's orders when a crying Lambo burst through his door. Tsuna stops what he is doing to console the crying 6 year old. "What's wrong Lambo" Lambo sniffs and tries to wipe his snotty nose before looking up at Tsuna. "The kids at school told me that I don't have a real family because my name is Bovino but I live with you" Tsuna thinks back to when a 5 year old him came home crying once because the kids in his class all told him that his dad is ashamed of him and that is why he doesn't live with them.

"Do you believe them Lambo?" He hugs the boy and begins to pet his Afro. "No, I know that Tsuna-nii loves me a lot" Tsuna smiles at him "That is right. Just because your name is Bovino and not Sawada doesn't mean that you are not apart of this family. Kids say a lot of mean things and they will hurt but just because they say dumb things doesn't mean that they are true, but you already knew that Lambo. After all you are a smart kid" Lambo grins at him and snuggles into Tsuna.


Lambo stayed sat the back of his 2nd grade class he didn't like the kids in his class too much. They were mean and made fun of him too much. Lambo could ignore that but then they found out that he lives in the Sawada household and that he is very close to his Tsu-Papa, and so they began to tell Lambo stories about how Tsu-papa was scared of chihuahuas and sucks at everything he does and that if he continues to live with him then Lambo will also be Dame. Lambo could only look at the boy, Kaito, and wondered how dumb someone could be.

"My onii-san told me that Dame-Tsuna will never be able to have a family because he is dame" Kaito said and everyone nodded "My onee-san told me to stay awa from him cause I could DIE!" Shouted a girl with the most scared face Lambo seen. "Woah! I don't want to be like Dame-Tsuna" laughed Kaito. Lambo grabbed the boy by his uniform shirt and shouted "Tsuna-nii is the best!" Kaito laughed " A squirrel is better and smarter" Lambo's fist hit the boys face and then Lambo proceeded to fight the boy.

The other kids screamed and ran to get the teacher and soon Lambo's sensei was holding the thrashing boy up off of the injured and crying Kaito. "What is wrong with you!" Shouted his sensei as she took him to the principals office and another sensei took care of Kaito who wouldn't stop crying.

Lambo sat in the office as he waited for Maman and Tsuna to come and talk to the principal. He was scared, what was Tsuna going to say to him. What if his Tsu-papa leaves him and sends him away like the Bovino! Lambo's eyes began to get watery and he just wants to run away to avoid disappointing his papa, but he can't because his sensei is blocking the door! So he stays seated and waits. Fifteen minutes later Maman shows up, just her.

'Papa didn't even want to see me' he tries to blink his tears away but it doesn't work. Maman sits next to him and smiles sadly. He sits through the entire conversation the principal and Maman had, no movement only tears. He gets a weeks suspension "Maa Lambo-Chan what happened" Maman asks once they leave the office and start to head out of the school.

"Where's Tsuna-nii" he asks quietly. Maman frowns "He's waiting outside, he didn't come in with me because he's not a legal guardian" Lambo didn't know what to feel, his papa was here and for that he was happy, he didn't leave him, but then he disappointed him.

Once they are finally outside the school Lambo freezes because there is his Papa waiting for him and Lambo doesn't know what to do. Tsuna runs to him and checks every inch of his body "Are you okay Lambo? You didn't get hurt did you? Tell me how are you, what are you feeling?" "WHAAAA" The rest of his tears fall as he hugs Tsuna tightly and Tsuna panics thinking that something had happened to his Lambo.

"M'orry" he tries to make out. Tsuna smiles softy and looks at his mom who has patiently waited next to him and whispers "I got this" Nana smiles and nods her head before leaving to run the errands she was running before she received the call from Namimori elementary. Tsuna picks up the six year old and tries to quiet the weeping boy down.

He leaves the school grounds and makes his way to the park all the while whispering sweet nothings to the child.
He sits on the swings and continues to run his hand through the boys hair. "It's fine Lambo, why don't you tell me what happened" he said softly to the him. Lambo shakes his head no. "I won't get mad, I promise. I know you better than anyone and I know that my Lambo wouldn't hurt someone without a reason" Lambo looks at Tsuna, red rim eyes "I'm yours"

"Of course! You are MY Sawada Lambo. I would never leave you." Lambo's eyes shined "They were saying bad things about you and Lambo-sama know that they were wrong and Lambo-sama couldn't hold it and Lambo-sama hit him" of course Tsuna knew already Hibari-san had told his that his cow had caused trouble but Tsuna wanted Lambo to tell him. "They can say whatever they want Lambo, I know that you don't want to hear those things from them but you have to be strong and not fight them."

"But Lambo-sama didn't even hit him hard!"

"Remember Lambo that they aren't being trained in mix martial arts like you are" "Lambo-sama will protect Tsuna-nii"
Tsuna smiled at Lambo "Thank you but don't fight your classmates for me" "Fine" mumbled Lambo. The two sit at the park for another 10 minutes before they head home. 'A week huh? It could've been worse' Tsuna is just glad Lambo is safe.


Lambo may not be going to school but he at least wanted to do something! I-pin was in china with her master and Fuuta actually went to school leaving Lambo bored in the house with Maman and no grape candy. "Maman! I'M BORED!" He shouted, Nana was in the kitchen and stuck her head out to look into the living room when Lambo lied upside down on the couch picking his nose. "Ara you can run an errand for me" "Eh~ NO"

"Maa I guess Tsu-kun won't be getting his lunch to-" Lambo shot up "I'll do it!" Nana smiled and went back into the kitchen to grab an orange clothed bento. She handed the bento to Lambo who somehow had a backpack next to him. She watched as Lambo carefully placed the bento into his little backpack and zipped it up before putting the backpack on. He saluted her and said " don't worry Maman Lambo-sama will give Tsuna-nii his bento!" She giggled and helped open the door for Lambo "Un I'm counting on you Lambo-Chan!"

Lambo with a lot of help from the towns people made it to Namichu where he was greeted by Hibari-san. "What are you doing here cow-child?" He frowned. "I came to give Tsuna-nii his food!" Hibari eyed him "Second floor. 3-A" Lambo grins and runs off. Just like how he got lost finding the school, he got lost finding the class. "3-A" he mumbles to himself as he wondered around the school.

A bell goes off and students leave their classes "Where is 3-A?" He asks a female student who passes him. "Oh what a cute kid! 3-A... oh over there! That door right there!" She points to door that is two more doors down. "Thank you!" He runs to the classroom and then slows down once he's at the open door. He slowly looks around but frowns when he doesn't see Tsuna. "Ara Lambo-Chan!" He turns around and sees kiyoko "Tsuna-nii?"
"Tsuna-kun? He's up on the rooftop with Gokudera and Yamamoto" "Thank you Kiyoko!"

Tsuna sighs he forgot his lunch. "Thanks for sharing guys" he thanks his two best friends "Ahaha anytime Tsuna" laughed Takeshi. "Baseball freak is right Juudaime" that's when the doors to the roof open and in comes Lambo with his cute green backpack Tsuna got him.

"TSUNA-NII! Lambo-sama got you food!" he seemed so proud Tsuna can only laugh at him when Lambo throws himself at him. "Wow thanks Lambo!" Lambo takes the bento out of the bag and carefully hands it to him and then proceeds to make himself comfortable on Tsuna's lap. Hayato wanted to tell the cow to get off of Juudaime but Tsuna seemed so happy that he just couldn't.

Tsuna opened the bento and everything looked a mess, seems like Lambo had shaken up his food in the process of delivering. "Looks great Lambo!Thank you!" "Ahaha Looks delicious" Takeshi also tried to make the kid feel better. "Looks messed up to me" Mumbled Hayato. "Want some, Lambo?"

"Ahh~" he opened his mouth and Tsuna gave him a bite. That's how they spent their lunch time before the bell rang and they had to go back to class. "Will you be okay?"

"Lambo-sama can make it home, Lambo-sama is a big boy!" "Of course" He still had Hibari keep an eye on him when he made his way home just in case. Having to fight Hibari tomorrow during lunch, in order to make sure Lambo made it home safe was totally worth it!
'As long as he's safe'

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