Missing Persons

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105 hours missing

Zayn paces as Louis makes the call, he doesn't want Louis to call the cops. In his eyes calling the cops means they failed, they failed in finding their best friend, they failed at being good friends. He doesn't want to admit they failed, to admit you failed is to admit you're a failure.

Zayn doesn't want to admit they failed, but he knows he has to. They failed Liam as friends. How did none of them realise he had been gone four/five? days? They were supposed to be Liam's best friends, even with all the drama from the fight, they still should have realised something was wrong sooner.

"Hello, this is Louis Tomlinson. I called here yesterday about my friend Liam Payne and was told I couldn't file a report until I'd given 24hrs notice in case he was just off on a walk. Well it's been 24 hours and I'd like to file that report now!" Louis voice raises at the end.

Zayn watches and listens closely, he's known Louis long enough to know that Louis is afraid. Louis was afraid of what could have happened to Liam. They all were. Zayn had spent most of the night running through what could have happened, Liam being mugged, too injured to walk home. Liam unconscious, left alone to die. Liam getting lost in a forest, scared and alone. Liam being stabbed. Liam lying in a ditch somewhere, dead. Liam being hit by a car. Liam being shot. Liam being grabbed and forced into a van, struggling, calling for help, for Zayn to save him. Images that made him feel like more of a failure.

"He's not missing, he's fine. He just wants to clear his head. He's coming up with a brilliant plan to make it up to Niall and then this whole damn fight can be forgotten." Harry speaks up from where he was sitting at Louis feet. Louis and Zayn share a glance as Harry continues, "We don't need the police, he's fine. I'll even call him see," Harry pulls out his phone and dials Liam's number, the phone rings and rings and rings. Liam doesn't pick up.

"His name's Liam Payne... he's 18... umm, 5ft 11, I think... he has a muscular build... he was last seen 4 days and 13 hours ago... Can I pass you onto Zayn, he was the last person to see Liam... okay... thank you," Louis continued speaking, rubbing Harry's back with one hand while he held the phone with the other.

"Zayn, the lady on the phone wants to talk to you since you were the last person to see him." Louis spoke, holding out the phone to Zayn.

Zayn slowly grabbed the phone, and held it to his ear

"This is Zayn, Louis said you wanted to talk to me," he said,

"Ah, yes. You were the last person to see Liam correct?" A lady said in a calm tone, it annoyed him to know end. How could she sound so calm when Liam was missing?

"That's correct,"

"And this was four days ago, correct?"

"Yes, it was Saturday afternoon, at three-fourish,"

"Where were you and Liam?"

"In his apartment,"

"Where is that?"

"St Matthews Row,"

"What was he wearing when you last saw him?"

"Blue plaid shirt and grey jeans,"


"He wasn't wearing any, but his socks were grey if that helps,"

"Probably not. We'll put an APB out on him with your description. In the meantime you and your friend should get some sleep, we'll send detectives over later to start the investigation,"

Zayn hung up the phone and passed it back to Louis, "They're going to send detectives over later to talk to us." he tells them.

Louis shakes his head, "Later! Zayn you let them walk right over you. They need to get here now, not later! Liam's missing, Zayn, our friend Liam. Do you not care, they need to start looking now! Before something bad happens to him." Louis was shaking slightly as he almost screamed at Zayn.

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