Chapter 1

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    In the past, Nice Cream guy had always been a vendor, but after two years since the barrier was broke he bought a store. It was up for cheap rent by a monster who was moving to the surface and some of the bills would be paid by the former owner, but any renovations came from Nice Cream’s own pocket. For a while he had to take on a second job at a human-founded restaurant to support his rent and other bills that had to be paid.

    Two years after this, Nice Cream had expanded his store and made it larger to host customers, which was a majority of humans and a few monsters. He noticed that what sold the most was “Filler” ice cream that came in many flavors. It was called such because it filled the eater’s stomach right up as though they had eaten a regular meal. After a while, he made a full switch to his infamous “Filler” ice cream and even renamed his store to “Cream Filling: Home of the Filler Cream”.

    A lot of poor humans who moved to the underground ate at his store on a regular basis because they couldn't afford any alternatives. Also, almost three times a year, a huge company called “Cream for Creatures” would come by and buy almost $1,000 worth of his nice cream to give to children who were growing up in the human world with struggling morals, regardless of their species.

    In this new world, Nice cream would be considered a successful pioneer, even if he hadn’t bought everything that would be considered “Standard” for a successful human. He had a lot compared to other monsters, but sadly there was still more. Although, with the conversation of the couple and a brief trip to the courthouse, he would be able to mark off one more item that was put onto the list of “Standard Successful Living”, which was described by the article “Adjusting to Human Life” in the weekly newspaper, Monster’s Manuscript.

     It was only about a month ago when he made the decision to buy a house. Again, he chose a “Fixer-upper”, as the humans called it. It was in need of bad repair in some areas and other areas just needed a light polishing up. Something about fixing what was broken or deformed made him feel good about himself, which is why he started making and selling Nice Cream, so he could “Fix” people’s day and make them feel better.

    His new life was almost complete. He just needed to change his name and it would be one step away from being offical, he’d be fully settled into an “American Dream” Lifestyle. His own store, his own house, his own name, and next year he could buy a car. There was a dealership near the opening in Mt. Ebott that had a bunch of cars, and Nice Cream had his eye set on a little purple car that humans referred to as “Bugs”.

    Today was his day off, as it was every wednesday, and he was headed to the courthouse. The courthouse was a little, yet majestic, brick and marble building that sat about a mile past MTT Resort. No one knows why they built a courthouse, but he did read in the newspaper that one of the courthouse’s functions was changing names, and due to the influx of monster’s trying to gain new names, the process was simplified as to process more monsters’ request.



The revised process was as follows:

Arrive at Courthouse with a new name in mind

Head over to the Receptionist after being scanned

Tell him/her that you’d like to change your name

Tell him/her the new name you have in mind

Provide a sum of money anywhere between $70-$150

Get the document from any printer and return to the receptionist

Have him/her sign your new name on the bottom

Sign your name in your signature and in printed form on the provided lines

Leave with documents and keep them somewhere safe at your house

     On his bike ride to the building, a little red car slowed down beside him. The car looked like it had been badly abused, suggested by the multiple dents in the car’s hood and driver side door. Whoever the owner of it was, they obviously had a few anger issues, and the small plumes of smoke also made NIce Cream guy suppose this person also had a smoking addiction.

    It was freezing cold, so his fur was a blessing in times like this, but the smoke pouring out of the care beside him was pouring out a thick smell that lingered in the air, so the smell of smoke was certain to linger on him too. This meant he’d have to shower when he got back into his house. Something he didn’t want to do since the water heater was broken and every time he turned on the heat it smelled like burnt fur, and he’d have to wait till next week before his paycheck would come in so he could get some air fresheners.

    After a while, the car pulled into a small flower shop that was a little ways away from the courthouse. After walking in, Nice Cream headed to the scanner, putting his watch and his belt into a bin before stepping through the machine. A loud, ear splitting beep filled the air. An elder officer slowly waddled over to him and slowly dragged a scanner up and down his body, before stopping at his neck, which is where the small metal detector went off like crazy.

    “Sorry for the inconvenience, Officer,” Nice Cream said as he unlatched the chain around his neck, searching for the officer’s name tag. “Wallace”. Nice Cream walked to the bin and placed the necklace inside it and walked through the scanner with no interference this time. As fast as he could, he put on everything he could, but stopped at the necklace. Slowly, he unlocked the clasp and pried it open to reveal two images. The left sided image was of a small, orange cat child. One the right, there was a small quote.

                      “I’ll be there.”

    The words melted in his heart as he thought of his friend, who he secretly had a crush on, that had moved to the upper world and pursued his dreams as an actor. Nice Cream never knew if his old friend succeeded in this action, but he still prays to this night that he either has or will accomplish his dream.

    After a brief half-hour, Caspian Cream walked out of the Courthouse (this time without setting off the metal detector). Now he only had to wait till next year to buy that old car and then he would have fully transitioned into the human life that lots of humans dreamed to live. A smile came across his face as he walked down the sidewalk. He decided he’d buy a bouquet of echo flowers and whisper into each one something that he appreciated about life.

    As he approached the store, lost aimlessly in thought, the front door slammed open, and Caspian was flat on his back, gasping for air.

    “Jesus, I’m so sorry.” Said a familiar voice as a tuft of orange reached out for Caspian to help pull him on his feet. Slowly, Caspian opened his eyes and with a gasp of shock, he whispered one word.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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