chapter 1

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If this is your first story about reader X something. Then let me help you.

Yn is your name
EC is your eye colour
HC is your hair colour
HL is your highlight

More will be explained more later.
On with your adventures.


Barry was the light in your life and he still is but I found out something. Something you don't want to know. He loved Iris. I couldn't stop it. Any way. I tried to get closer to him. So I applied to work with Barry. I got excepted and I start today. I were running a little early knowing Barry was going to be late. I walked in and met with the head detective. After I clocked in on time for me and Barry. Ten minutes later Barry came running in and saw me at the clock in. He grabbed his card and looked at it. "Did you do this for me."

"Yeah. Should I have not of done that."

"No no it's ok. Thanks."

"Allen. Your late again aren't you." He showed him his card. "I saw her punch you in. She's a nice friend but don't do it again."

"Yes sir." We both said at the same time. He walked away and Barry turned to me. "Do you work here now or..."

"I work for you now. CSI investigation."

"Nice. Follow me."

"Ok boss."


"Yeah umm you are higher up then me and you give me orders. Soo your my boss."

"Ok just call me Barry, uuhhh" Barry trialed off.

"Oh uh yn."

"Nice to meet you. I already knew your name. We went to school together."

"Oh umm ok. How"

"Your the kid that fell down the stairs" I said and he blush.

"Heh yeah umm that was embarrassing"

"That's not all. You landed on me at the bottom. By the way ow."

"Sorry" He said and a detective came towards us. "hey joe" he said and joe smile.

"Hey Barry make a new friend" joe said and i smile.

"Hi I'm yn. Ill be working with Barry." I said. He look over to Barry.

"A partner. You have fun with that Barry. I got to go." He said walking off.

"Ok bye Joe" Barry said after him and Joe waved"

"He seems nice" I said and Barry nodded.

"We should work" he said and we walked into the lab and he began explaining what I had to do and all that stuff that needs to be done on the field. Three hour had gone by and his phone went off. He looked at it. "I'm so sorry I have to go."

"What no we have to work even though my brain is about to explode​ for all the things you have said to me. Even if I did let you go how would I cover for you."

"You don't need to cover for me I do this all the time."

"What am I supposed to do. You were supposed to teach me what to do."

"I'm sorry I have to go." He said and I ran after him and what I saw shocked me. As I turned the corner I saw Barry speed off. I also had powers but nothing like that. My can be pretty but can also get ugly. I ran down the stairs and outside even if everyone was calling for me to come back. I looked around and saw a fountain. I made sure no one was around then waved my hand as I controlled the water. It lifted me up and I flew up over the city and saw a lightning like streak headed for star labs. I start flying towards it and got there in five minutes. I hopped off the water and I used the  air around me to land safely on the ground and stopped controlling the water and I walked in. As I walked into the labs. I see flash and the others.

Barry Allen x reader.Where stories live. Discover now