The Teens

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Sioux Rapids Group

Atlas- Short girl with shoulder length red hair with purple bangs and turquoise eyes. Everyone calls her Skipper, though it isn't known where it came from.
Represents: Foxy_Skipper

Ryft- Taller girl with straight blonde hair, light hazel eyes, and freckles. She's the responsible friend that everyone should have.
Represents: MoonlightDragon

Silver- Shorter girl with long silvery hair and forest green eyes. She's almost always in a good mood.
Represents: Silverteeth

Raven- Short fifteen year old girl with curly brown hair and icy blue eyes. She has a nickname, Rave, though it isn't used much.
Represents: Swagtastic98

Fang- Tall boy with short black hair and dark eyes. Wears dark clothing and thinks logically.
Represents: xLoveFang

Jade- Relatively pale girl on the shorter side of tall with shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes. Wears fandom tee-shirts.
Represents: jadewolf340

Cricket- Pale girl with long brown hair and hazel eyes. Perky and sweet, and prefers to be in a group.
Represents: -Cricketeer-

Des Moines Group

Goose- Blonde male with a David Beckham style haircut. Grey-blue eyes and light freckles dusted on his face. Leader of Des Moines group.
Represents: Illuminana

Maddie- Small girl with dark brown hair with fading purple ends. Sky blue eyes and pale skin. Second-in-command of Des Moines group.
Represents: MaddieDoesArt

Spark- Quiet girl with long dark brown hair and a few gold highlights. Middle-eastern skin tone and dark brown almond shaped eyes. Des Moines organizer.
Represents: ashes-of-the-impure

Cavy- Tall sixteen year old girl with long dirty blonde hair with bangs with fading blue dye at the tips. Blue eyes. Des Moines Scout.
Represents: The_CavyStorm

Adam- 5'7 sixteen year old male with grey colored hair and self-made leather armor. Des Moines Soldier.
Represents: @omegaggg

Frost- Short fourteen year old male with blue eyes and dark brown hair. Excellent physical condition. Des Moines Soldier.
Represents: Anti- Foxy_Skipper


Rush- Short girl with straight dark brown hair and brown eyes. Wears a red beanie and is very tough.
Represents: -SpaceJay-

Tora- Average sized girl with black hair in many braids tied into a pony tail. Dark skin and dark eyes. Solitary and observant, though cracks a good joke every once and a while.
Represents: tigertalon

Soul- Tall girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. Quiet and stealthy, enjoys stalking people.
Represents: RunningSoul3

Spirit- Average sized girl with shorter gold-brown hair. She ties it back with a turquoise hair binder. Soul's sidekick, she is stealthy as well.
Represents: usispotato

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