First kiss

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Applejack stood outside the gym for about 5 minutes until Rainbow drove over and parked her car. Rainbow got out of the car and instantly hugged AJ when she saw her upset face. AJ hugged her back. Rainbow let go of AJ and they both sat in her car. "So wanna talk about it?" Rainbow said turning to AJ. AJ was silent for a while but then she shook her head, she wasn't ready to talk about this matter. AJ wiped away her tears and threw her bag to the back of the car "Rainbow, I'm coming with you to Florida" AJ said. Rainbow gave a simple grin "you need to pack your stuff, we're leaving in 2 hours". AJ glanced at Rainbow, she didn't want to go home and see her brother, she also didn't tell Granny Smith about this. Rainbow knew AJ didn't want to return home after the argument so she drove to Apple Acres and decided to pack AJ's stuff for her. Rainbow got out of the car and knocked on the door hoping it would be Granny Smith that opens the door. Unfortunately it was Big Mac that opened the door with a very visible frown. "Hey...could I speak to your granny?" Rainbow asked. Big Mac called Granny Smith and walked upstairs miserably. "Well howdy there Rainbow Dash, how can I help you?" Granny Smith said while leaning against the door. Rainbow smiled "AJ and I are going to Florida for the summer and I came to pack her stuff" Rainbow said. Granny Smith gasped in shock "Florida!?, you do realise that's like a 16 hour drive from here?!" Granny Smith screeched loudly. Rainbow nodded, walking in as Granny Smith moved out the way for her. "Where is Applejack anyway?" Granny Smith asked looking outside the door. Rainbow Dash turned around half way up the stairs "she's a little upset right now, she's in the car" Rainbow said as she continued up the stairs. She packed a whole bunch of flannels, jeans, daisy dukes....underwear, Rainbow blushed as she opened the drawer with AJ's underwear, she grabbed a handful and threw them in AJ's suitcase, she grabbed a few pairs of socks and made her way to the bathroom to get AJ's toothbrush. Rainbow got everything AJ needed for the summer and ran down with the suitcase. Rainbow put the suitcase in the back of the car and sat inside the car. "Are you ready for a long journey?" Rainbow asked. AJ smiled at Rainbow and nodded.

Rainbow Dash POV:

I'm glad that AJ is coming to the lake house with me. Ill finally have some time alone with AJ with no distractions, maybe  this time I could confess my feelings to AJ.

Story mode:

AJ felt something solid under her boot, she lifted her foot and picked up what looked like an R&B CD and a Dirty dancing DVD, AJ smirked and looked at Rainbow "Rainbow, I didn't know you're this type of girl " AJ said while showing Rainbow what she found. Rainbow Burst out laughing "that's not mine, my dad left that here last time he borrowed my car" Rainbow said with tears in her eyes.
AJ giggled and inserted the CD to play some R&B music. It's been 7 hours now and they passed amazing views on the way to Florida. They passed many lakes, mountains and woods which made AJ gasp, she had never seen such amazing views. AJ never went anywhere amazing during summer holidays. Rainbow thought it was cute how AJ was impressed with the views, she spent 8 minutes glancing at AJ's face.
(9 minutes later)

Applejack POV:

We arrived at Rainbow's parents lake house and it was more beautiful than I thought. The lake house was gigantic, mostly made out of wood. It had a balcony on the top floor and it had a fenceless platform going off right to the lake that was in front of the lake house. The lake was beautiful and the water was so clean you can see everything in it. From the lake house there was a path leading to a field of long grass and oak trees. I could imagine myself running naked on that field.

Story mode:

Applejack jumped out of the car and gasped, for AJ a lake house like this was a luxury.
Rainbow took the suitcases out and walked to the lake house welcoming AJ in first. AJ looked around in excitement paying attention to the details. Rainbow placed the suitcases by the fireplace and took her shoes off, she sat at the edge of the platform porch and dipped her feet in the lake. The sun was going down so the reflection of the sunset on the water changed the atmosphere. AJ noticed Rainbow at the edge of the platform and walked over to join Rainbow and give her company. There was silence for 10 minutes while they both admired the view. Rainbow looked at AJ "not trying to be nosy or anything but...what did you argue about with your brother?" Rainbow asked curiously. AJ sighed and looked away blushing. "I...I-i told him...that I'm bisexual" AJ said looking back at the lake "...and he didn't accept me..." she said. Rainbow widened her eyes at AJ. "Y-your bi?" Rainbow asked in confusion. AJ glanced at her and nodded sheepishly while looking away again "I was kinda afraid to tell you but I-" AJ was cut off by Rainbows lips pressing against hers. Both of them blushed but they enjoyed it. It took a while for AJ to realise what was happening but she soon co-operated with Rainbow and wrapped her arms around Rainbow's shoulders whilst Rainbows hands were on AJ's thighs. Their kiss became more passionate after a while.

(Welp, you got what you were waiting for...but this is nothing, wait for the next won't regret it!)

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