Maxwell Silver

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The tough boy. The boy the girls (and a few guys) had massive crushes on. He knew exactly why. His style, his voice, his hair. That was what got the girls looking. A manly voice and a gentleman style.that pretty much explains it. 

His friends, Fabrizio, Cody, Eden and Cosmo, were his gang. they were unstoppable and no one could keep up with 'The silver eyed tigers'. The name came about because  Fab has peculiar Eyes,  Maxwell's last name is Silver and Cosmo just simply likes tigers.  Eden and Cody were the brains, planning what scandalous thing they would do next. Max, Fab and Cosmo were the tigers, running like a hungry animal, burning through busy streets like a fire lit on a gasoline line.

Maxwell seemed to have a girlfriend all the time, mostly one of the popular girls, Elisa, Chloe, Violet, Hannah and Freya. Whilst his boys were 'to busy planning'. He tried to spend as much time as he could with his other half, making sure she was as happy as one could be. 

His parents dis-owned him when he was 8 because 'they couldn't stand a devil child'. So he lives with people he doesn't trust. The only person he trusts is Freya, his 'at the time' girl. Max's foster parents were always trying to correct him. But that only made him want to steal and fight more.

Max couldn't help but think a girl in his English class was just adorable. Her brown locks and dark pupils. the way her voice sounded smart as she answered a question. He had to tell Freya, it was only fair. She slapped him and walked away. Being Max, he couldn't help himself as to watch her walk away.

Silly Maxwell. Falling for a girl he had only just found out the name of. Turns out her name is Charlie.

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