👻🎃Halloween special 💀🍬

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Halloween Special Chapter: a frightful Halloween

[Your POV]
Halloween, a time where everyone can go out, dress up in a scary costume and go round to people's houses and say 'trick or treat!' And collect candy into bags, their pillow cases or plastic pumpkin bags.

Today, since Donnie had made three more watch's that could transform them into humans, we decided to go trick or treating together.

Mikey had dressed up as Chica from Five Nights At Freddy's, ironically Chica loved pizza just as much as Mikey so he kinda fits his costume perfectly, April had dressed up as a witch, Casey dressed up as Jack Sparrow from Pirates Of The Caribbean, Raph had dressed up as a werewolf, Leo had dressed up as a vampire, Donnie had dressed up in a Steam Punk Costume and I had dressed up as Tracer from the Overwatch.

"Everyone got their bags ready?" Leo asked everyone.

"Yep!" Everyone replied excitedly, holding up their bags.

"Alright then, everybody ready?"

"Yeah!!" We replied again, then headed out of the lair to begin Trick or Treating.

Walking out from underneath the manhole cover and walking around the neighbourhood, knocking on people's homes and saying trick or treat, gaining candy into our bags and continuing onto other houses to come.

[Time skip]
We had come back to the lair, our bags filled to the brim with candy, we had planned to tell spooky stories as we ate our candy and had pizza.

Placing our bags down beside us and putting the pizza box's in the middle, we all sat in a circle around the pizza box's.

"Alright, who wants to tell a story first?" I asked everyone.

"I'll go first!" Mikey said happily.

"Once upon a time, there was a world without pizza!!! The end"

"Mikey, that scary story wasn't even scary!" Raph growled agitated.

"But it is scary! Knowing theirs a world without pizza!" Mikey said dramatically, causing us all to chuckle.

"Alright I'll go next then" Casey spoke up.

"One night, a girl and two or her friends went camping in the woods, as they were telling jokes, they all heard a weird laugh from out of the blue, they asked each other if they were laughing and they all shook their heads and said 'no', scared out of their minds, one of them went to go investigate, but a while later and their friend never came back, the second friend had then gone out to check if she was ok, but then soon never came back too, the last girl, worried about her friends, could still hear the weird laugh and hesitantly walked outside to find her friends, until a figure with a literal ear to ear smile, grabbed her and made them both disappear, the end"

Everyone was a little shaken up but not very much, but Mikey was shaking with fear.

"Nice story" Leo complimented.

"Thanks Leo" Casey replied with a smile.

[Small time skip]
It was now me and Donnie's turn to tell a spooky story, but I had to go grab something from my room so I excused myself and walked off.

But what they didn't know, is that I would be grabbing a mask to scare them all during our story.

"Everyone ready?" Donnie asked, in which everyone nodded in response, I quickly grabbed my mask and sneaked behind the couch, with a metal container in my hand.

"Their once was a girl who went on a trip to a small camp for school.
Once they got there, they all settled into their small huts, the girl noticed that there was a dream catcher beside her bed and smiled at it, thinking that it would protect her from bad dreams, that night she stayed up talking to two of her friends.

'Have you heard of the spider in the dream catcher?' A voice spoke up darkly.

The girls turned around and saw a black haired girl with a expressionless face looking at them.

'No we haven't why?' One of the girls friends said.

'Well then.... it is said that, that dream catcher there, is not what it seems, anyone who has slept next to it has either gone missing or their body has been found brutally mangled by a monster' the black haired girl said darkly, a scary grin showing on her face.

'Anyways sweet dreams you three!' The black haired girl said, turning off the light and going to sleep.

The girls thought she was just trying to scare them so they fell asleep, the girl soon woke up a few hours later to a tapping sound.

'Tap..... tap..... tap....' " as Donnie started saying 'tap, tap, tap', I tapped my finger three times on the metal container, instantly everyone jumped slightly and started shaking out of fright, which is the reaction we had hoped for.

"The girl sat up in her bed and looked at the window, but nothing was there, she was about to go to sleep when......

'BANG!!!!!!' " as soon as he said 'BANG' I banged the metal container loudly onto the ground, causing everyone to yell slightly in fright and huddle together, shaking more and more out of fear.

"She sat up startled by the sudden noise, strangely no one had awoken, she looked at the window again and saw a tall, white skinned, messy black haired, ripped clothed figure standing their in the window.

'YoU ArE nExT lItTlE gIrL!!'
It's voice hissed scarily, a wide, sharp toothed grin appearing on its face, stretching from one ear to the other.

She screamed loudly and everyone in her cabin suddenly wakes up, turning on the lights and staring at the girls pale, horror filled expression, her friends turned to her worriedly.

'What's wrong?! What happened?!' Her friend asked.

'T-there's a figure in the window!!! He said I'm going to be next!!!' She screamed loudly in fear.

Everyone including the girl turned to look at the window, but no-one was there." Donnie continued.

"The whole cabin was angered by her stupidity and kicked her out of the cabin, no matter how many times her friends tried to convince them to let her stay.

The girl shivered in fear, looking around at her surroundings, until she felt a cold breath hitting the back of her neck and her ear, making her freeze in place

'I told you that you were next~' the voice said, a grin forming on its face, the girl screamed loudly as she was dragged away by the figure..... never to be seen again....

The end....." Donnie finished, and to finish off with a scary ending, I suddenly stood up from behind Donnie and growled lowly and scarily.

Everyone screamed loudly in fear, Mikey was shaking violently out of fear, me and Donnie high fived and laughed.

"G-g-great s-story y-you t-two....!" April complemented shakily.

"A-alright, bed time everyone..." Leo said shakily too.

Everyone nodded, still startled and shaking, stood up and headed for bed, whilst Casey and April slept on the couch for the night.

Hey guys! Happy Halloween! I know I'm a day late for Halloween but oh well! I hope you all had a great and spooky Halloween this year!
Got any scary stories and if you went trick or treating, what did you dress up as? Let me know in the comments!
Thank you for reading my story (sorry if theirs any mistakes)
Leave a vote, a comment and I'll see you! In the next chapter.... bu-bye! 👻💀🎃🍬

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