Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: a corrupted ally

[Donnie's POV] [a few weeks later]

I was out on patrol with (y/n) and the guys. We were looking around for anything that seemed wrong or if there were any troublemakers on the loose, or the occasional robbery.

It was around about the time of being in the middle of autumn, we could tell because the temperature had decreased rather quickly, and the leaves on the trees on some of the trees in parks had been shed off the tree onto the ground.

A cold breeze blew by me and caused me to shiver, thinking 'man, I should've really packed something warm if I had known it was gonna be this cold..'

I sighed and shrugged, I stood up to join the others when I felt a sting hit the back of my neck, I winced and grabbed at the back of my head, I pulled out a small tranquilizer like dart. I worried it might be a sleeping dart and waited for the affects to hit me, but they didn't.

I raised and eyebrow, I shrugged thinking it was a dud and dropped it on the ground, crushing it with my foot, causing it to make a crunching sound as it broke. I shook my head and walked towards where the guys were, everyone turned to look at me and smiled, however their smiles were soon replaced with looks of worry.

Leo spoke up "uh Don? You ok?"

I tilted my head slightly in confusion "yeah why?"

He glanced at the others before looking at me again "your eyes are different than your normal eye colour"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "what? What do you mean their different?"

Leo sighed "don't worry bout it, it's probably just me"

I raised an eyebrow, still confused by his words "ok...?"

After a few more hours, we had finished patrolling and went home. During that time, I had started to get this funny feeling in my whole body, it just felt.. weird. It was like a buzzing sensation, and I found that I couldn't think straight as well. I continued to ignored it until all of a sudden, I blacked out.

[Your POV]

I sat on the couch in the lounge room, when I heard crashing coming from the lab, since my legs had healed, I stood up, worry washing over me like a tidal wave.

I got to the lab and knocked on the door "Donnie? You alright in there?"

There was no answer, I slowly opened the door to the lab "Donnie? You in there?"

I saw Donnie, but he was different. His eyes were bright red with light like mist flowing from both irises, and he had some weird, blackish red energy flowing up and down his arms, forming claw hands around his hands.

My eyes widened and before I could scream, he lunged at me and tackled me to the ground. He repeatedly tried to claw at my face, but I had a hold on his forearms, pushing them away from me so his claws couldn't hurt me.

His eyes held no emotion or sign of him fighting himself to hold back from attacking me, which worried me even more for my own safety. I moved my legs towards me and placed my feet flat on his stomach, kicking him off me with a huge amount of force.

His body flew backwards and slammed into a wheel tray with glass tubes on it, making everything on the wheel tray fall and hit the floor with a smash, yet he didn't wince or flinch, nor did his eyes close in that matter. He simply just stood up and ran towards me.

My eyes widened and when I thought he was going to pounce at me, chains flew out of nowhere and wrapped around his ankles and wrists, causing him to fall to the ground by my feet.

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