edmund x reader: afraid

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The rain outside had become heavier with each passing minute, the storm almost consuming the Dawn Treader. You could nearly feel the entire weight of the boat move with you as you stood up and violently pushed your sheets back from where you previously lay.

Each step you took from your small bed seemed to be weighing you down, as if your socks were flooded from the rain outside. You just needed a breath of fresh air, away from the violent noises.

As you closed the door to your cabin chambers and stepped into the window-less hall separating the rooms, you felt a surge of relief overwhelming you. Without another look around at the dark corridor below deck, you let your eyelids fall shut and your body sink to the floor.

"Everything alright?"

Immediately, your eyes opened and your gaze turned to the gentle face of Edmund Pevensie. "Oh, uh, sorry."

"Sorry for...?" Edmund inquired softly.

"Bothering you?" You offered, a bit timidly.

"No no, I was just, uh-" He paused, "Actually, I don't quite know."

The two of you remained in silence for a moment, you looking up at him from the floor. A crack of thunder broke the silence, its impact hitting the boat like a rush of water. You jumped involuntarily.

Edmund shot you a look of concern as he took a step towards you.

"If you'd like, we could go to my cabin," Edmund suggested, almost in a whisper as he knelt down a little. "Just so you-oh dammit."

He stopped mid-sentence, looking oddly flustered. "I'm just now realizing how this sounds."

You chuckled softly in response, although your smile faded instantly as yet another wave of thunder hit you with a bang. You raised your eyebrows slightly.

"Uh, could we actually? Go to your cabin? I don't, uh...really want to sleep in my own bed tonight."

Edmund nodded without hesitation, kneeling down a little more so you could take his hand.

"Of course, not like-well, you know. I won't be spending the night..." You stammered, trailing off as you got to your feet. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you stood up to meet Edmund at eye-level. You opened your mouth to speak again, the warmth of Edmund's hand in yours.

"I just-"

"It's alright." Edmund said with a small, reassuring smile. "Come."

His cabin was only a couple doors down from yours, and as he opened it, you immediately felt safe.

There was nothing different about this room compared to your own shabby one below deck, but something about it made you feel as if you had been homesick for it your entire life. Perhaps it was because it belonged to Edmund-although, seeing as you barely knew the man, you doubted that this was the case.

"Thanks." You said softly as he shut the door behind him. You stood awkwardly for a moment, suddenly becoming aware of how flimsy your nightdress was against your bare skin.

"So, uh-"

"Oh, do forgive me! Please, sit." Edmund said hastily, guiding you to the small bed in the darkened room. "Make yourself as comfortable as possible, okay? I can get you some water if-"

"That won't be necessary Edmund, I'm fine." You retorted, almost defensively-though you didn't mean for it to sound that way. Even in the dark, you could tell Edmund was raising a skeptical eyebrow.

He sat beside you tentatively, remaining silent for a moment as the rain continued to pound against the glass in the small window.

"I've always been afraid of storms." You muttered, more to yourself than to Edmund. The latter's gaze snapped back to you, his eyes questioning you to elaborate.

"Well, I've always hated the violence in rain. It's like an ongoing war you see, each drop...racing for safety."

Edmund nodded, not breaking eye contact.

"And it's, I mean," You continued, leaning back a little on the tiny bed, "Not...pleasant."

To your surprise, Edmund chuckled faintly. "Well, if it was-as you say-pleasant, I don't think you'd be sitting on my bed right now."

You groaned in mock-irration, a small smile forming on your features. "At least something has come out of this storm."

"Oh?" Edmund said with great amusement, standing up now. "And what exactly?"

"Well, to begin with" You muttered, raising yourself from the bed with deliberate slowness, "I can confirm something." Edmund raised an eyebrow. "What would you want to-"

And then you were kissing. And, all of a sudden, the rain died out. All that mattered was Edmund.

Thank Aslan for the storm.

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