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She directed her wrath at any living body around her, desperate to hide the hollowness of her soul. A picture could describe her, that is, because it is worth a thousand words, but it wouldn't be enough. Mindless, she stormed through the pigment of the illuminating screen, blinded by her motivation of concealment. Crouched onto her sofa, eyebrows slanted towards her nose, she hid her face behind the piece of technology that was invented to do humanity well.

Her school, was one of the kindest in the district. Everyone was helpful, and pleased everyone else. Except her. Standing out like a sore thumb, she would rampage through the hallways, degrading any student that dare came into her way. She was alone, different, and misunderstood.

It was shameful, how much hate you can bring in the world in less than five minutes... she clicked away on the communication website her school had created.

Mavis Kennelopy

I've been trying really hard to raise awareness for the endangered species around our city, please help out if you can!

Lilliana Monroe

If you have to keep reminding everyone about your stupid campaign every two seconds, it may not be worth talking about! Learn to take a hint!

Thomas Joharg

You don't have to be so rude, Lilliana! Don't worry, Mavis, I'll help out your campaign tomorrow.

Mavis Kennelopy

Thanks, Thomas! I can do so much more with this campaign!

Lilliana Monroe

Figure out your own life before you tell off another's, you pathetic dorks!

But, she didn't realize. She, out of all the citizens in town, needed to take her own advice - even if it originally was an attempt to attack someone. She put her cell down, fearful for what she's become. A look was shot around the cozy apartment that once used to be joyful and enlightening. A portrait hung above the haunting fireplace, the shelves ashy. It's been years since she's touched the same things her parents had.

The same moment, a knock was rung up on the door. It had been the man in charge. The principal gave her a disgusted look, like she's something to grimace at. "Miss Lilliana Monroe, you are hereby expelled..." he handed her an envelope and left without a second thought.

She teared the parchment, a gleaming fog could be seen in each of her eyes, If anyone would care to look. She whispered familiar voices in her head as she read each word.

My Dearest Lilliana,

Your father and I have not much time to live, though, you would had already known by the time you've read this. I asked Principal Gozart to keep you under control until you are old enough to be on your own. Though, the cost was pricey, it was what was best for you. We were born poor and, sadly, died the same.

Mum and Dad

She was struck with apprehension. She's been conceived with unbearable truth. And in one moment, gone was her education, her purpose, and her life. 

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