It's him...It's her

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He was staring at the bloody red moon,

His eyes are changing, he's  going to be a beast soon.

Cracking of bones, furs are showing,

Cold wind of the night, hardly blowing.

His story defines and describes his physical appearance,

He howls at the moon, and do the hunting dance.

Targeted, spotted,gonna hit the target..

To the hunter of the night, his dinner was set.

"Tick, tock..", says the clock

Midnight thoughts and it's not her luck.

She can't sleep and the creamy cold milk didn't help

Remembering what she see, can't help to yelp.

She felt empty,alone and lonely

Somethings' wrong in her, she wanted something badly...

In the cabin with her grandmother

"What's wrong with me..?", the way she bother.

Sticky, and hot red liquid from the hunter's body

Back to his human form, tears flow thoroughly..

"I'm sorry..", he utter with a broken voice

Suppose to act like a monster, but the poise was destroy.

He's feeling it again.., emptiness, loneliness.., at the same time; agony

For he's a monster and he can't change the reality,

The reality he has been running and escaping..,

Is the burden he'd been carrying and suffering.

Euphony from mother nature, she woke up, "Another forest adventure"

Did the morning rituals, assist her grandmother..

"Going out again, Dear?", the woman in 80's asks

"Yes Grandma," with a pleasing smile she answered

"Okay then, be careful" the woman added

A luster in her eyes shows, "yes!" she mouthed.

"There's a falls in the middle of the forest Dear.." the woman utter

"Really? can i go there?" she answer.

"yes you may!" she pushes the girl out of the cabin.

"Be back before sunset.." she said, "I will Grandma.." she replied.

Little did she know...."It's time Dear.." the woman whispered.

"The fate chooses the both of you for a reason.." into thin air, she vanished.

The cold water flowing throughout his body don't help,

Instead, it added the heat he felt. "Urgh! what's wrong wolf?.." he asks himself

He was sitting  in the rock in the middle of the falls

"I need a very cold bath.." he said to himself

He was about to close  those smoky eyes,

When he hears a solemn lullaby

He stands up, ignoring his nakedness

Approaching the nearest tree, he hides.

"kiss it all better.. I'm not ready to go.." the girl in red hood sings

Blonde hair blown by the wind.. porcelain skin and

Rosy cheeks unleashed her beauty, together with

Her ocean blue eyes... His heart beats rapidly.

Raging blood into his veins, HEAT eat  his whole system.

He breaths hardly, with the eyes who is now more smoky.

"I want her..  I want her..", he speaks desperately

He continues to observe her, together with a lusty stare...

sankyuu sa pag subaybay di ko alam kung kailan ko ulit ako makakap-ud gagawa pa ho ako.. gagawin ko pa kasunod niyan sana di kayo mag sawa joke ahahh

vote. comment. enjoy... and pls bear with me.. im not a good poet.. tinkyooo...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2017 ⏰

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