Chapter One

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Bella’s POV:

The Cullens. That name haunted my dreams. The asshole Edward left me for dead. And his family just went with him. It took forever for me to get over everything thing he said.

I still care about his family. Mostly Esme and Carlisle. But I also have mad respect for Rosalie, ice bitch extraordinaire.

I knew I'd never hear or see them ever again, though. They made that clear when they decided to leave me here. That was until a few days ago.

I received an anonymous letter in mail. Obviously, vampire writing. Seeing as it was elegant script. No human could have possibly written something as nice. I had not met a vampire yet who had poor writing. But then again, most vampires were decades old. So of course, they had time to prefect their handwriting. So, it shouldn't surprise me. And it also should not surprise me a vampire knew my address, but that part did.

It stated that I needed to get a hold of Carlisle and to do all he asked of me. It said that although this was a serious matter, I was not to worry. Yeah, like that was going to stop me. Whoever wrote the letter signed it anonymously.

I didn't know how to get ahold of my old family. And the tear in my heart was ripping apart at the thought that I'd have to speak with one of them, but I had to put on my big girl underwear and say fuck it, and finally after weeks of googling. I found a J. Jenks. And called to find out. And we set a meeting. It didn't take much to get this man to comply. Obviously, a woman could go far. Not to mention he seems quite afraid of Jasper. Though I may not get the chance I want to ask why. I knew whatever it was would probably get the man killed if he told. I let it go.

After I sweet talked my way for the Cullen number; I went home to fix Charlie some dinner. Trying to find the courage to just pick up the phone and call. One phone call wouldn't hurt. I just didn't think I could handle if the ass whole picked up.

I waited two whole weeks before I called praying Edward wouldn't answer. It turned out to be my lucky day. Carlisle picked up after only three rings.

"Hello, this the Cullen residence, Carlisle speaking. How can I help you?" I was scared so I didn't say anything for a couple of minutes. Carlisle was gentle but firm.

"Look I don't know who you are, or why you’re calling but please state your business. I'm on my way to work." I need to do this. It was important, I couldn't let down who wrote that letter to me.

"Um car.... lisle.... It's If you have time, I really need to talk with you about something important." I wasn't sure why I was acting this way. I hadn't acted shy since the family left. But he was like second dad to me and when he left it hurt. So, I wasn't sure if he would want to talk to me now.

I was sure he was shocked because now he was the one not talking. Which was kind of funny. But I started talking for him. In hopes he would stop me or talk back.

"I know Edward doesn't love me, and the family has a hard time being around me; but I received a letter in the mail almost a month ago, and I was wondering if you knew anything about it. If not, could you take a look at it for me. It's kind of freaking me out. I don't like an unknown vampire knowing where I live. But that's not the craziest part; when I read the writing, it was like whoever wrote it was calling me to them."

I was rambling I knew that but I wanted to make sure he understands what is going down. I also had to seem urgent. Cause it was important.

"I'm visiting some friends of mine in Alaska soon. How bout we meet up and talk then. I'll call you when I can get away and we'll meet at the compound." That sounded reasonable but I was nervous about having to go to the place that held good and bad memories for me.

"Thank you Carlisle. That means the world to me." And it really did. I loved Carlisle.

"You are most welcome; and Bella just because we left does not mean we love you any less. We all love you. You've been a Cullen from day one. I'll do everything I can to help, and I hope that with time you'll feel like coming to visit Esme and Alice. Emmett too. They and I miss you very much. The others miss you too, but I know how close the three of us got."

I was shocked that he wanted me to be in his home after me and Edward not being together. But that just showed how caring and compassionate he was. I had truly missed him so much. And it was nice to know that he was missing me.

"I would love to someday but I don't want to put Edward in a position in his own family that he had to stay away because of me. But if you want Esme can come with you when we meet up. But I have to go now. Charlie's pulling in. See you soon and thanks." That was true but I was also on the verge of tears.

"See you soon Bella. Stay safe." I love you I whispered hoping he heard me.

We said our goodbyes and after dinner; I went up to bed falling asleep with my vampire family on my mind. Hoping with all that I am that Carlisle will help me find the anonymous writer.

The Cullen's were coming back into my life. And for the first time since I met them. I was actually looking forward to showing them the real me. The one I hide when I was with Edward because he didn't like it. And I just wanted him so bad that I let him change me. Well, this time I wasn't changing for no one.

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