Chapter Three

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Bella's POV:

Over the next couple days, it was like a whirlwind. Carlisle was on the phone to 'contacts' and I was packing. I would be going to Zafrina. The last vampire to have contact with Benjamin. But I was all for finding out about my mysterious writer. And according to Carlisle, Zafrina was as close to Benjamin as I was going to get. And even he wasn't sure she knew much.

I would be leaving as soon as Carlisle tracked down his friend. But tracking down a nomad; any nomad was hard. And although I knew we be able to track the last location, my hope was slipping. And I wasn't convinced I had picked the right vampire to help out with this. No matter how much I cared for Carlisle. It just seemed like nothing was going as fast as I needed.

I was packing anyway. For summer, or winter I wasn't sure, but I would pack for every season. But I was sure that where ever they send me I wouldn't stop until I found Benjamin. Even if things weren't going to work out, I still felt it my duty to go anyway.

Late Tuesday night we finally got the answer we were looking for. Zafrina, the Amazonian vampire that he was sending to had seen Carlisle's friend. Carlisle's friend explained to in a note, that Zafrina had last seen Benjamin deep into the amazon forest when they were hunting. One moment he was there and the next he wasn't. Leaving Zafrina distraught. She agreed that she would help keep my safe while there with her, so we would set up a meeting place with her. But I would have to fly to Montana first. Then like forever to get to her location. Why did all vampires wish to live so far away from civilization?

I left Friday after writing a letter to Charlie. I'm sure once I got back, I wouldn't be leaving the house again. He would definitely try to ground me for life. And that didn't really bother me much considering my family wouldn't be here when I got back. And there was nothing here for me. Plus, I wasn't sure if I was going to be coming back here for a long time. I'd have to call him when I could.

I hated flying and I wasn't looking forward to that. And so here I am on the big airplane waiting to take off. Trying not to freak out. I was to go to a ranch in the wilderness quite like the Cullen ranch. Zafrina would be there waiting. We would go over the best course of action.

I have to say I was eager to meet these human drinking friends of Carlisle's. Since Tuesday I had learned a lot about both and I had to admit the more vampires you knew the better. Well, that was my theory anyway.

The plane ride wasn't too long and before I could think about landing, we were already. Carlisle had arranged a car for me to pick up. I had never really driven out of Phoenix or Forks so mountain ranges scared the shit outta me to be honest but I figured as long as I paid attention it wouldn't be too bad. And to my surprise, it wasn't that bad at all as long as you stayed away from the sides.

Let me tell you something else Montana was beautiful. The scenery was amazing. I wasn't sure how long we were staying but I did know I loved it there. And would be back someday.

When Carlisle and even Edward explained to me about mates, I thought for sure my mate wasn't out there. Well, I guessed since Edward left me. But the pull in my chest as soon as the plane landed had me second guessing myself.

I would be talking to Carlisle about it later.

The pull didn't ease up until I saw Zafrina on the front porch of the ranch. It wasn't gone but I could breathe better. Let me tell you what Zafrina was an Amazonian goddess. I was awestruck. From the perfect face to the amazing body. I wanted a piece of that. As I got out the car I was drooling.

And from the way she looked at me, I knew she wanted me too. Again, something I was going as Carlisle about. Although I had a pretty good idea what it was.

"Hello little one. I'm Zafrina. I am the one Carlisle informed you of. Come let's talk and get a move on." I followed her in the ranch.

"First let me see the letter that was sent to you." She said smiling.

Oh god when she smiled, she was sexy. And I was getting turned on by just being near her and hearing her voice. She of course smelled it but chose to ignore it for now.

I handed her the paper with the not on it. And she smiled wider. Then laughed a little.

"Well, we won't have a problem tracking who sent the letter little one because the one that sent it is the same one who Carlisle thought would help. His name is Benjamin and I left him not long ago to meet with you. I will call and let him know you are here."

With that she was out of the room. I could hear he talking on the phone. But it was mumbled and soon she was back in the room with me.

"He was happy you could join us. He will be here soon. I had the fridge stocked so let's feed you then we can go relax on the couch and await Benjamin’s arrival."

I noodled my head. And after I ate, we talked and got to know each other. But all to soon there was a knock at the door... And nothing could have prepared me for what was on the over side. Though it wasn't who I thought. Guess my dream man is still out there.

Bella Mates (A Zafrina x Benjamin x Bella Story)Where stories live. Discover now