double date

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Genji POV

I was starting to get ready for our double date I just hope it goes well and Angela and hana don't fight over me again. It will be a disaster if that were to happen. I called Lucio to make sure he had asked out hana and if he is getting ready or coming over.
Lucio: Hey what's up genji
Genji: Hey man I'm just checking if you're ready, have you asked hana already, and or are you already coming over
Lucio:  Woah dude chill out first... but anyways I already asked hana she said yes, I'm all ready, and finally me and hana are half way to your place
Genji: yea so when Angela gets here we will walk ahead a little so no arguing or fighting between hana and her
Lucio: Alrighty cool

Just then someone knocked on my door

Genji: Hold on Lucio gonna have to hang up I think Angela is here
Lucio: Alright peace out

Then I clicked the end call button and started walking towards the door while putting my phone in my pocket. I looked through the peep hole and saw that it was Angela. I unlocked the door and opened it revealing a very beautifully dressed angel waiting to see me eagerly. As soon as the door was fully opened I looked at Angela while opening my eyes even wider.
"Wow" I say in astonishment "do I look that bad I'm sorry genji it's just that" Angela starts to say but I put my finger over her mouth to make her be quiet "no Angela it's not that it's just that.." I bite my lip a little as I stare at Angela tracing her up and down then looking at her lips "I so wanna kiss you right now" I say in a whisper. I start to get closer to Angela and start closing the gap between us we lean our faces close to eachother that we could hear eachother breath. I close the gap between our lips with a passionate and long kiss. The only thing or should I say person that ruined it was "ahm you two done yet" I hear someone from the doorway say. I break the kiss between me and Angela while saliva connected our lips. I wiped it away and looked towards Lucio "yea right sorry it's just she is so beautiful" I say while looking at Angela who is now blushing. Then I look back at Lucio and look to his right to see an angry/jealous hana. She notices me looking and looks away sad. "Well then shall we go you two" I say to Lucio and hana "heck yes let's go oh and don't worry I won't mention this to jack he would be furious if he saw you dating his crush" Lucio says as he gives me a wink.


Me and Lucio started walking towards genji's door while having an awkward silence we go there his door wide open and hurry towards it. Then what I saw shocked me with jealousy and anger. I saw genji and Angela kissing and when they broke apart there was a sign that showed they loved eachother. The trail of saliva connecting their lips. I noticed genji looking at me so I had to look away quickly. Lucio and genji talked for a while then I heard something that caught my attention "heck yes let's go oh and don't worry I won't mention this to jack he would be furious if he saw you dating his crush" Lucio says. I then start to grin Evily. so Jack ready to see who your best friend is dating.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter I know I did this double date story will be turned into maybe 4 or 5 parts I don't know yet we shall see. Next chapter coming out on October 20th see you soon.

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