35| Neville • Longbottom - Part 2

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Imagine having a dire crush on Neville ever since he defended you in your first year.


"Looks like mum got you one, too. Maybe it means she's officially accepted you into the Weasley clan. Although that was a rather crazy move. Note to self: tell mum a Weasley can't have black hair."

"How dare you!"

"I dare! I've been ignoring it for years now! But I just can't stand it! It's ridiculous, Malfoy thought you were a Parkinson."

"You shouldn't have s-said that."

Neville's head popped out of a corner, his voice quivering.

"Neville! Family business, do you have to stick your nose into everything?"

"Ron, don't be so rude!"

"I-I'll fight you!"


It had only been a few weeks since then, but already you had developed a ridiculous amount of feelings for him. Although you knew your feelings for him were returned, you still didn't have the guts to tell him how you felt. It was like some sort of fear, bubbling inside you every time Neville passed by or you were partnered with him in class. It wasn't the nervous fear most people got when they were with their crushes; it wasn't butterflies; it was a compulsive  desire to tell him about your feelings. That desire was usually then drowned out by a voice at the back of your head, telling you not to do it. Eventually, though, you began taking steps to confronting your fear.


"Neville, can you help me collect these bouncing bulbs? They're going everywhere -" you called out to him from across the common room as you chased after a stray bulb that was bouncing towards the fire.

The two of you had stayed up late to study the bulbs, both of you being fascinated with Herbology. The common room was completely empty, not counting you and Neville, who was currently asleep on the couch.

"Neville? Neville!" you repeated, having to leave the bulb as you tried to shake Neville awake. Just as he began to stir, the bulb bounced its way into the fire, withering into ashes.

"Wha? Wuzzappened?" he muttered, pulling himself up just in time to see another bulb jump into the fire.

"My god, they'll all die! Quick, I'll get a bowl, you start chasing them," Neville gasped, fully awake as he tripped over One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi on his way.

You shook your head, smiling at him before grabbing a little bulb that had began making its way to the window.


Soon enough, you and Neville had all the bulbs wriggling about in a little glass bowl that you were holding, trying to jump through your herbology book which you had placed on top of the bowl to stop them from getting out. 



"You know, I never really got to thank you for standing up to Ron for me. It's not an easy thing to do, standing up to your friends," you told him quietly.

"Well - what he said was wrong," Neville blurted out, blushing from what you had said.

"Exactly. I knew that, and I didn't have the courage to write a letter home to mum about it. That's why I appreciate you so much," you said, getting up to give him a quick kiss on his cheek, "night, Neville."

Neville watched, flustered, as you walked up to your dorm, holding the bowl of bouncing bulbs in your arms. He lifted his hand up to his left cheek, rubbing the spot where you had kissed him, still trying to process exactly what had happened as he blushed furiously.

~ hi guys, this imagine was requested by KpaPotter, hope it was close to what you had in mind! Well it wasn't exactly requested, they commented on 26| Neville • Longbottom that I should make a part 2 to it - so I did! I'm also going to make a part 3 and a part 4 to this, so keep your eyes out for it. The italics are a flashback this time, they don't refer to the gif. I know the gif isn't first year Neville, but it was perfect, so just pretend it's first year Neville. 

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