Unit 3

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Y/n, Edward and Yukinai sat down together at the far end of the table. The were four rows of long rectangle tables. The tables were put together to make long rows.
The first, second and third years sat at the tables. The rest of the grades got later lunch. Both blonde boys sandwiched the y/h/c girl between them. They were second graders and our main characters of that.
Y/n had found out that Edward had a younger brother named Alfonso and lived with Mr Mustang (Is that the guy? I completely forgot!) apparently he had a job for the state as well. His dad left him and his mum had died.
Yukinai was raised by a man in his late teens around 19. "He was like the older brother I never wanted" he groaned, but there was love in his eyes. His name was Yato and with the help of Miss Kofuku and Mr Daikou Who did most of the raising" Yukinai added quickly.
"So was Mr Yato have his own house?" Y/n said politely.
"No and no need to call him 'Mr' anything" Yukinai said, "He's a lazy butt..." At that Edward choked on his drink laughing. Yukinai sent him a glare.
"Well then at least your not the states under dog..." Edward said darkly.
"If that's so, why work there?" Y/n said intrigued by the cute boys fascinating life.
"No reason," he muttered but Y/n had a sneaking suspicion other wise but she unhappily accepted the lame excuse.
"Say," Y/n said as though the thought had just come to her and she hadn't been thinking about it absent mindedly the whole meal, " Who is that guy?" She said pointing at the blonde boy who had been rude earlier.
"Don't know... He looks sorta emoish" Yukinai said averting his eyes from him.
"He looks like your brother!" Edward said keeling over backwards laughing.
"I do not dress gothic!" Yukinai blurted out loudly. Y/n and Edward eyed the grey over sized hoodie and his dark blue jeans and raised an eyebrow as Yukinai protested.
"Shhhhh! You guys are making a scene!" Y/n giggled. As Yukinai glared daggers into Edward and Edward hid behind Y/n.
"Relax I just wanted to know, you know? An odd whim." She added hastily.
"His names Mikalia," a voice from across the room said. The thrio turned to see a blonde haired girl (only joking!)
The thrio turned round to see a brown haired boy, in their grade by the looks of it.
"My names Hayato Shinomiya by the way," he said bowing slightly. "But I have to go, Kae needs me..."
"Ok." Edward said plainly annoyed at the interference. Hayato looked like he was going to say something but walked away angrily instead.
"Weird dude." Yukinai murmured.
"Mikalia..." Y/n liked saying his name. In fact she loved the name! Not the guy, but the name was kawaii.
"So what about you, Y/n, what's your back story like?" Edward said poking at his dish.
"Oh you know, pretty plain and boring. My mum and dad sorta divorced and stuff so my dad has me on the weekends and my mum on the weekdays." Y/n said feeling her face get hot. It happened whenever she spoke about that kinda thing. She always felt as if she hadn't explained it well enough so people wouldn't understand.
"Oh. I'm sorry they divorced." Yukinai said smiling sadly at her.
"Nah it was for the best." Y/n wished she could change the subject though, she found it so awkward to talk about this kinda thing.
"Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit here?" A soft voice said behind them. They turned round to see a blue haired girl. She had white wings on her shoes and on her straps of her school uniform.
"Excuse me! I should have introduced myself first! My names Wendy Marvell!" (She's not a suitor btw! She's a character from fairytail) The dark blue haired girl said grinning.
"Nice to meet you!" Yukinai said nervously.
"Sure you can come and sit!" Y/n cried, in love with little Wendy's kawaii antics.
"But weren't you sitting over there" Edward said suspisiciously.
"Child would you stop being so mouthy recently," Carla said picking up her silverware and beginning her lunch. Wendy's face flushed red, and she bowed her head down picking at her food.
"Oh Carla, don't be so hard on her." Lucy said smiling sweetly at Wendy. Wendy gave a small smile back before Carla rolled her eyes.
"Easy for you to say Lucy! You don't have to put up with so much lip!" Carla cried annoyed. Wendy looked away flustered and embarrassed. Lucy suppressed a giggle. "Oh and why do you think she behaves like that? Could it be that someone that she's been hanging around been a little more lippy herself? Hmm?" Lucy said in a sarcastically pondering voice.
"Yes your right!"
Lucy and Wendy looked at each other. Lucy had hoped that would shut her up but would she take it seriously?
"It's you ruffians fault!" Fairytail members mouths dropped open in shock.
"But I guess Wendy isn't good at making friends her own age so she ends up hanging with us adults and our mature- wait pardon that- your mature language that is rather inappropriate. Wendy must have picked up on the small amount of rude wit you had!" Carla said as everyone was too shocked to disagree.
"I am good at making friends!" Wendy cried, "What about Shelia and Romeo!"
"They were both raised with hooligans as well, Wendy dear" Carla said in a surprisingly gentle voice.
"Fine. Watch me make friends. My own age." Wendy said marching of toward Y/ns direction head held high.
"And that's why I'm here!"
"To prove you can make friends?" Edward said raising an eyebrow. Everyone was just finishing up on their lunch.
"Yep!" Wendy replied as everyone dumped their trays.
"I'm gonna go put my lunch box in my locker... Would you guys meet me outside?"
"Sure!" The said in unison waving goodbye as they made their way outside. With both of her hands Y/n held her Lunch bag and began bumping it on her legs as she walked. She pulled up her sock higher a little and carried on. The halls were practically empty and Y/n could hear the students chanting what the teacher had taught them and the screams of kids outside running around laughing. She stopped at her locker and placed her bag in a compartment. Through her locker mirror she spotted the blonde boy from earlier. He nonchalantly walked off looking around discreetly as he did. The guy didn't notice her though and Y/n found herself with a choice;
Would she follow the boy and learn his secret or hang out with her friends who were waiting for her?

Well I think I'll give the commenters a chance to decide!
Please comment what you would do!
I would probably be lame and not follow him... If I did I would get caught anyways sooooooo... Yeah *scratches back of head*.
So you met Wendy and the brunette (finally!). Vote and blah bah bah. But I do prefer comments! I bet no one will comment what they would do so I have to write why I would do...
Love ya!
Remember to... Look both ways before crossing the road kids!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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