Where is she?!

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Elijah's POV
My heart sank when I heard those 3 words. I look over to Klaus and he looks angry and heartbroken. He must have heard Rebekah.
EM:" Where are you?"
R:"I'm at her apartment, it looks like she put up a fight."
EM:" Stay there we are on our way!" As I hang up the phone me and Klaus look at each other and vamp-speed to Nina's apartment. I see the door has been kicked in. Rebekah was standing in the living room. The apartment looked like a tornado hit it. Nina put up a good fight.
EN:"Do you have any idea who has her?"
K:" Who do you think took her Elijah? It must have been one of Marcel's nighwalkers trying to impress him."
R:"But Marcel would never hurt her. They have gotten really close since she's been working at Rousseau's."
K:" But there are new ones that don't know that. They might think that hurting her will hurt Elijah now that they are together." Hearing Klaus say that hurt. Nina is in danger because of me. While Rebekah and Klaus argue about what we should do to get her back. I keep thinking that if anything happens to Nina it's because of me. I know what I have to do to protect her and it's gonna be one of the most painful things that I have to do.

Marcel's POV
I got a phone call from one of my night walkers to meet them in a abandoned house, that they have something that I can use against the Mikaelson's. I walk in and I see a group of my new nightwalkers.
NW:" Thank you for coming Marcel"
M:"Where is this thing I can use against the Mikaelson's?"
NW:" This way."
We start to walk into the basement. And I see someone with a hood over their head, tied to a chair with vervain soaked rope, and they have some kinds of dog collar with wooden spikes on it tightly around their neck, they have tiny wooden splinters all over their body. And they have wooden spikes through their hands. They have bled this vampire out.
N:" Who is this?"
They remove the hood. I see a pair of familiar, once joyful and friendly brown eyes that are now scared and full of pain I start to feel a deep rage.
M:" Nina! What have you done to her?!?" They all look shock. I run up to her and she's is barely breathing.
NW:" We thought you would be happy. Elijah would do anything do make sure she is safe. She's no one important, she's just Elijah's whore."
When I hear him call her that I vamp-speed and I rip out his heart. The other vampires get scared.
M:" Let's get one thing straight! She is off limits, I don't care if she's dating Elijah. She is not to be harmed. YOU DO NOT LAY ONE HAND ON HER AGAIN!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!?!" The vampires nod and vamp-speed out of there. I turn my attention to Nina. God she looks really bad. I take of the vervain ropes, not caring about the pain. I try to take off the the wooden collar without hurting her but it's imbedded in her neck.
M:" Nina can you hear me?"
M:"I'm here. I'm gonna take out as much of these splinters as I can okay? It's gonna hurt some." As I start to take them out she doesn't even flinch in pain. They really tortured her really badly. After I get the splinters out I notice she's not moving anymore. I try to take off the collar again but I can't without hurting even worse than is already is. So I leave it on her until I can get someone to get it off.
M:" Nina stay with me. I'm gonna help you."
I take her into my arms and vamp-speed to my apartment. I lay her in my bed. I go and get a blood bag out of the fridge and I try to get her to drink some of it. She is able to take a couple of drinks before she knocks out in pain. I hate seeing her like this. We have become really close over these past couple of months. She like my little sister. I take out my phone and I call someone I wish I didn't have to talk to.
M:"Elijah, I have Nina."

Elijah's POV
I have been going all over this city looking for Nina. I have threatened everyone of Marcel's vampires but some of them told me about a new group of nightwalkers that Marcel just made that might have done something. I found the group as they are trying to find something to eat. I grab one by the throat.
EM:" Where is she?"
NW:" Where is Who?"
Rebekah comes from behind me.
R:" Don't play dumb, you know who we are looking for." Klaus comes walking towards us.
K:" Where is Nina?"
NW2:"Probably dead after what we did to her" once I hear on of the other young vampire say that they have harmed Nina I vamp-speeded to him and ripped out his heart.
EM:" I'm going to say this one last time. Where is she?"
After I asked the question again one of the young vampires was about to answer when my phone rang. I answered it without looking at the caller ID.
EM:" Hello?"
M:" Elijah, I have Nina."

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