Gun Masters ( Part 3 )

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WARNING: if you don't like violence or gore, ya might want to skip this....don't worry, I'm keeping everything else PG, just adding a intense battle scene.

Chroimia paced around the room, determined to get out.

Ironhide just watched with amusement.

He chuckled at Chroimia's attempt to knock the door down, but was stopped by Hound's harsh voice over the intercom.


Chroimia scowled but sat down.

" I am disowning them all..." she hissed under her breath.

Ironhide shrugged as he took out a blaster and twirled it with his digital.

" As long as we're here might as well finish shooting....." the mech suggested. Chroimia seemed as if she wouldn't agree at first but paused and grinned evily.

" Your right.....we should. "

~ Time Skip

A few months after the whole " Locking Ironhide and Chroimia in a room for a day " The war started. It took them all by surprise. What made it hard was they had to fight former friends. This enraged both Ironhide and Chroimia, the two became savage in battle. Unlike Optimus, Ironhide didn't see Megatron ad a friend, but now a enemy....another mech on his list to kill. Chroimia was equally as violent, and when the two fought side by side....They were unstoppable.

Chroimia snarled at a con that attempted to behead her, displeased with the decpticon, she pulled out her blaster and shot the mech in the chassis. The blue femme watched as he fell to the ground with a sickining thud, energon soon began to leaking from the large open wound.

" Take that Decpticreep." She spat as she returned her focus to the battle.

She paused at the sound of hundreds of peds running. Before she could blink, a army of angry Decpticons were headed towards her. Chroimia sighed.

" Aw Slagg...." she whispered as the force came closer. The femme narrowed her optics and activated her weapons. A blaster in one servo....and a axe in the other. Chroimia twhirled the axe once before she leaped at the on-coming enemies. Without hesitation the blue and sliver femme brought down her axe on the neck cables of a un-lucky decpticon scout. Energon trailed behind the now severed helm, which rolled slowly and stopped at the peds of crowd. The cons stopped at stared at the limb of their fellow comrade then at Chroimia.

" YOU WANT SOME OF THIS!!!???" she yelled, waving her weapons madly. The cons yelled and charged her.

" Huh...." she scoffed.

" That didn't work...."

Chroimia growled and launched herself into battle.

Several hours later she was the last one standing. Her team-mates that accompanied her were either dead or had been carried away because of she was the last one standing. A large pool of energon had puddled around her peds from her un-lucky victims, along with amputated legs, arms and servos. For Chroimia the odds right now were 7,863 to one.

With a loud and violent war cry, Chroimia fired her blaster into the helm of a on-coming con. The energon splattered across her armor. Immediately after that, another con took a grab at her weapon, Chroimia didn't have time to wrestle so she shot his servo off and slapped him with it.....then she hacked at him in his midsection with her axe.

A shot rang behind her. Chroimia paused and turned around to see a large red mech....who had just fired a a mech who was trying to stab her. Chroimia put a sassy servo on her hip.

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