Discovering Atlantis

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I pulled on my diving gear. This was my first time doing this and I was a little nervous. Funny, I get on stage, curse my lungs out in front of thousands of people yet deep sea diving is what scares me. I took a deep breath and lined my heels up against the bottom of the boat. Jerry was to my right, Tobin was to my left. I let myself fall back into the cool water. I looked around and all my nerves disappeared. It was so beautiful. It was like a different world. I looked around and I saw brightly colored fish. I went deeper and deeper until I spotted something through the dark water. It was a small light. Maybe it was an Angler fish, but I doubt it. We're still too close to the surface of the water. 

"Do you guys see that?" I asked pointing at the light. 

"Yeah, what do you think it is?" Jerry asked swimming closer to it. 

"I don't know, are you sure we should be investigating?" Tobin asked. We ignored his worry and swam closer and closer to it. Why wasn't it moving, if it was a fish it would be moving. the guys stopped moving towards it but I was just too damn curious. It looked like a light post. What the hell. 

"Guys, it's a light post," I murmured under my breath. I got no response, the coms must be out of reach. I swam around looking at everything, it looked like a brick road. I swam along it. What the hell was all this doing down here? I began to see more lights. I began to see buildings as well. What was going on? "Guys!" I shouted into my com, still silence. I was getting worried but I was too curious. I continued swimming. The water was dark and murky. The sea plants waved in the underwater currents. I continued to followed the road. Soon I saw more lights. I wasn't as scared anymore. I felt oddly safe. The closer I got the more I made out shapes. It looked like a city in the distance. Something shot across the road in front of me and I let out a scream. I followed where it went but  I was terrified. "Hello!" I shouted. I doubt whatever it is was human. Or could even understand me. I decided to keep moving towards the brightly lit city. I saw what looked like a silhouette of what looked like a mermaid. That can't be it. They aren't really. I saw as fast as I could the thing turned to face me. Her face was beautiful angelic. "Hello!" I shouted. 

"Hello," She murmured swimming over.  I gasped, I was taken aback.

"A-Are you real?" I asked. 

"Of course I'm real," She said. She took my hand. 

"I-I never thought-"

"I know," She smiled. She pulled me closer to the city. 

"Where am I?" I asked. 

"Atlantis," She murmured quietly. I looked around it was so beautiful. 

"Wow," I gasped. It was so beautiful. She stopped right outside what looked like the city gates. She kept her back to me and she began to laugh. It started off a cute little giggle, but it grew into a sinister cackle. When she turned to face me she was no longer beautiful. I tried to turn to hightail it back but she grabbed my ankle. 

"Don't you think I'm still beautiful?" She asked. Her voice was no longer soft and sweet it was awful and rough. I tried kicking her away. I finally managed to slip free. I began to kick my legs as hard as I could to return to my friends. I didn't dare look behind me. I heard my com get static. I must be getting close then I heard their voices. I stopped and looked behind me she was still chasing me. I managed to get to the surface I saw the boat. 

"Guys get me up!" I shouted. They pulled me into the boat I grabbed the net and dived back in she was so much closer than before. She sped at me and I swam out of the way catching her in the net. "Guys get down here!" I shouted. They dropped down and I saw them gasp in surprise. "Help me pull her up she tried to kill me!" I shouted. We managed to get her in the boat. 

"Please, let me go, I'll give you what ever you want, gold, jewels, knowledge!" She pleaded. She went back to being beautiful. 

"How can we trust you?" I asked. 

"Please!" She cried. I noticed. Her skin was sizzling and burning. I grabbed rope and tied it around her neck and pushed her back into the water. I got back in. 

"I can kill you, take me to your city," I murmured. She nodded and Led me inside her city. It was beautiful. Everything looked like worn away marble it was so beautiful there were other merpeople. "Why aren't they attacking?" I asked. 

"Because we look out for ourselves," She said. We went inside a building and she handed me a sack. "I'll take you back to the surface, but never return," She said swimming back. I was going to miss this place but I agreed. When we got to the surface I untied her and she dove back into the dark depths. 

"I am never diving again," I stated. 

Discovering Atlantis (Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now