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Play the video above if you want to have the real feels..

Through clear old glass in this cabin of wood.

I sit thinking of all things that could.

Light covers all in a single direction.

As I stare at this same old reflection.

Hands are like mine and so are the eyes.

Yet falling rain make it look like it cries.

It cries, its woes without a sound.

But as I look I become spellbound.

Why are you here, are you really me?

Are you just here to remind me of him?

Much time passed since he had gone.

And by now I should've moved on.

But why can't I conquer my past?

Maybe I want those memories to last?

Of course I do, they're things I love.

The other of which is now up above.

With all things close now far long gone.

It makes me wonder when I'll move on.

Maybe I couldn't..

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