Word: Connive Ship: Tree Bros

465 19 9

Connor's POV

"Please? Just this once?", I plead. I hold the joint closer to Evan. "If you don't like it you don't have to do it again."

Evan shakes his head again. I continue to try and get him to do it. Call me a bad influence, I don't care. "Just one puff and then you're done."

I looks down and mumbles, "Y-You can't l-l-et anyone f-find o-out.", he connives. He takes the joint and tries to take a puff. He ends up coughing smoke literally everywhere. I chuckle and grab the cologne I keep in my bedside drawer and start spritzing it on him. (PSA: Spritz is a wonderful word and it should be used more often. PSA over.) He looks at me confused for a moment.

"It's to hide the smell. On second though, go into the bathroom and spray some on yourself. I'll take care of the smell in here.", I say while grabbing the can of air freshener. Evan takes the cologne and leaves while I spray air freshener around the room. He comes back in and starts gagging.

"It s-smells like my m-mom's c-car after a car w-w-ash.", he chuckles. He climbs onto the bed and I follow after him. He wraps his arms around my waist and hides his face in my chest. This little kitten. Or a muffin. Either one would work, really. Now I'm hungry. Great my cat-boy's asleep. Now I can't get a muffin. I close my eyes and fall asleep after him, having dreams full of my muffin.

When they wake up

"Connor? Connor.", someone jabs at my side with their finger. I let out a quiet groan of protest. "Connor get up. It stinks in here." I crinkle my nose. "Connor please I have to go home soon and I can't leave smelling like this."

I groan and open my eyes. Evan is sitting across my lower stomach. Straddling me. Great. Just what I needed right now. "Evan, I don't know if you've noticed, but I can't get up with you sitting on me. I love you, but get off."

Evan smiles before leaning down and pecking me on the lips. He gets up and lies next to me. "C-Can you fix the smell now?"

"Can you get changed first? The smell clung to your clothes, that's why it's stinks."

"I don't h-have clothes with me."

"Get something from my closet."

His eyes light up and he jumps off the bed. He runs to the closet and I lose him in the maze of clothes I set up. He shuts the door.

"Evaaaaaan, there's stuff in there I don't want you messing wi-"

Evan walks out in one of my hoodies, an oversized t-shirt, even for me, and a pair of skinny jeans that sag, revealing a tiny bit of his boxers. He has his clothes in his arms. "I-I feel ridiculous."

"Shut up. You're adorable. Get over here.", I hold my arms open. He trudges over, trying not to trip on the pant legs, and resumes the position we were in last night. I take his clothes from him and throw them into the clothes basket against my wall.

"God you're adorable."


God I'm bad at this. Looks like you're getting three today. If I can do them all.

Connive- secretly allow (something considered immoral, illegal, wrong, or harmful) to occur

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